7 Symptoms Of Stress That You Should Not Ignore

Here we invite you to discover the different symptoms of stress, which are not always associated with stress. Take notes !

Stress is a natural process in the body which, in the face of external conditions, generates a defensive response, whether physiological or psychological. It manifests itself in different ways: discover the different symptoms of stress here.

These symptoms can disturb the emotional balance of the person: the organism seeks to face situations which represent a threat thanks to its physical, mental and behavioral resources.

The stress at the origin of the survival instinct inherent in every human being. Organs like the brain or the heart are involved.

While sometimes it is just a response to a change in environment, many times it can become a serious problem due to the recurrence of its symptoms.

Most worrying is that stress is so common these days that many of its symptoms are ignored until they become a chronic problem.

That is why it is essential to know how it manifests itself and what are the reactions of the body that allow you to identify it.

Discover them!

1. Headaches, one of the main symptoms of stress

Headache is one of the symptoms of stress

Many of the recurrent headaches in adults are linked to continued exposure to stress.

This emotional state causes the blood vessels to contract.  This contraction decreases the flow of blood to the brain and increases tension in the head.

When headaches are chronic, they are accompanied by sensitivity to light, irritability, and visual problems.

2. Digestive problems

Digestive symptoms are not often taken as signs of stress. The majority of us associate them with gastrointestinal issues and poor eating habits.

What is certain is that these two problems are closely linked. The digestive system has a great connection with neurotransmitters in the brain.

  • The excessive production of the stress hormone cortisol influences the increase in acid secretions and problems like heartburn and reflux.
  • The frequency of abdominal pain increases. This can sometimes cause nausea and vomiting.

3. Excessive hair loss

It is normal for hair to fall out to some extent every day. On the other hand, if this fall is due to stress, it can be excessive and make hair growth difficult.

Hormonal problems due to stress can affect circulation to the scalp and make the process of oxygenating and nourishing the hair more difficult.

Stress-related baldness can affect all hair, although often it only affects certain areas.

What is certain is that the volume decreases alarmingly. Although some products can stop this problem, it is difficult to control it completely.

4. Lower back pain

Lower back pain is common in people whose work or lifestyle involves staying in one position for too long.

They occur as a result of muscle tension and reduced circulation, which are usually linked to poor posture.

However, stress can also be one of the underlying causes, as it influences the increase in stiffness and pain.

5. Skin diseases

Skin disease

Stress is one of the main causes of many skin problems. Although these problems are usually related to external factors like the sun or toxins, they can also be due to the body being subjected to this emotional state.

A lack of control weakens the skin and makes it more sensitive to external aggressions. This is why this disorder can manifest itself in different forms:

  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • irritation and redness
  • allergies and rashes

6. Swollen hands

Poor stress monitoring can become a trigger for the body’s inflammatory responses.

Of swollen hands, even painful, for no apparent reason, says stress episodes that have not been controlled.

7. Changes in appetite

While some people under stress lose their urge to eat, others constantly want to eat foods that are very high in calories. This is due to imbalances in the nervous system, to which the brain responds in this way.

It is essential to pay attention to it, as it can cause nutritional deficiencies, even overweight and obesity. 

Are you suffering from stress? If this is the case, quickly take appropriate action to remedy it.

Although it is not abnormal to suffer from it, treatment is essential to prevent more serious health problems.

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