7 Products To Fight Against Smelly Armpits

To eliminate bad odors in the armpits, you can use aloe vera which, thanks to its antibacterial properties, will help you neutralize them , in addition to removing any spots that may be on this area of ​​your skin.

Even though this is a purely social problem, smelly armpits are very annoying for those who have no choice but to suffer from it.

The human body has over two million sweat glands whose function is to regulate body temperature through sweat.

However, this organic matter is used as food for bacteria which, by proliferating, cause bad odors.

To overcome this problem, the cosmetics industry developed deodorants and other antiperspirants for decades. Their goal is to control these odors throughout the day.

But for people who prefer to turn to more natural options, there are some simple, inexpensive remedies that can treat this problem without exposing the skin to chemicals.

Below we will share with you the 7 best natural products that will help you fight against smelly armpits. Try them out today!

1. Lemon and baking soda

The combination of lemon and baking soda creates a natural antiperspirant. The latter is ideal for reducing excess sweat and for eliminating bacteria that cause bad odors.

We also recommend this mixture to lighten the spots that may appear on the skin of the armpits. A miracle cure!


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (5 g)
  • 1/2 lemon

What should you do ?

  • Moisten a little baking soda with lemon, then rub the resulting paste on your armpits with a gentle massage.
  • Then let it dry completely, then remove the residue from your natural remedy.
  • Use this solution every morning.

2. Scots pine water

Scots pine leaves have antibacterial and antiperspirant properties that help us control excess sweating.

They contain an active ingredient called aluminum hydrochloride which is used in the development of many commercial deodorants.


  • 1 handful of Scots pine leaves
  • 1 liter of water

What should you do ?

  • Put the pine leaves in a saucepan filled with water, then slowly bring everything to a boil, leaving to cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, add a little cold water and use the whole mixture to take a bath.
  • Repeat the operation as soon as you want, to avoid suffering from hyperhidrosis.

3. Aloe vera

The gel contained inside the aloe vera stems has antibacterial and brightening properties. It therefore brings a double benefit to our armpits.

On the one hand, it helps control bad odors, while on the other hand, it helps remove dead cells and spots that can affect this part of our skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera (30 g)

What should you do ?

  • Rub aloe vera gel on your armpits and leave it on until it dries.
  • Then clean the gel residue with a cloth, as it is likely to stain your clothes.

4. Apple vinegar

A simple natural apple cider vinegar deodorant can help us fight bacteria and excess sweating.


  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (40 ml)
  • 1 spoonful of alcohol (10 ml)
  • 1 piece of cotton

What should you do ?

  • Mix the apple cider vinegar with the spoonful of alcohol, then apply it all under your arms using a piece of cotton wool.
  • Then let it dry. Repeat this twice a day.

5. Thyme and rosemaryarmpits

The infusion of thyme and rosemary is used in the form of a bath to control hyperhidrosis and the bad odors which are the direct consequence of it.


  • 1 handful of thyme
  • A handful of rosemary
  • 1 liter of water

What should you do ?

  • Boil the two liters of water then, when they come to a boil, add the herbs.
  • After boiling, cook this mixture for 10 minutes, then cover.
  • When the mixture has reached room temperature, use the resulting liquid to take a bath.
  • You can also apply it directly to your armpits, using a cloth.

6. The potato slices

Potato slices are used to cool the skin, reduce inflammation and neutralize bromhidrosis, as well as excessive sweating.


  • 2 potato slices

What should you do ?

  • Put a potato slice or two on your armpits and leave them on for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat the treatment two to three times a day.

7. Corn starch

Corn starch is a very absorbent product that can help control excessive sweating, as well as the bad odors that can result from it.


  • 1 tablespoon of corn starch (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (5 g)

What should you do ?

  • Mix the two ingredients in a container to create your dry deodorant.
  • Then wash your armpits, dry them well and apply the product.
  • If the powder bothers you, you can apply it at night so you won’t feel uncomfortable the next day.

We invite you to use any of these natural products to say goodbye to your sweating problems, while respecting the environment.

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