7 Home Remedies To Treat Varicose Veins

To avoid the appearance or aggravation of varicose veins, you should absolutely avoid being too sedentary. Whenever possible, we recommend that you take treatments at the first signs of their appearance to prevent them from setting.

Varicose veins, or varicose veins, are dilations of the veins that do not allow blood to return properly to the heart. They are mainly located in the lower limbs of the body. Finding remedies to treat varicose veins can be tricky.

They arise when there is an alteration that disrupts the flow of blood in the body. In the rest of this article, we will introduce you to the best remedies for treating varicose veins. Don’t miss them!

Why do varicose veins appear?

Varicose veins develop when the venous valves no longer close properly and they dilate due to the accumulation of blood.

The risk factors at the origin of this problem (which most often affect women), are:


If the legs accumulate too much fat, they will need a greater blood supply which must be supplied to them by the arteries, and which must be drained by the veins.

This promotes circulatory overload and the appearance of varicose veins.

Physical inactivity

When we sit too long, the return of the blood that supplies the veins in our legs to the heart may not be optimal.

Blood therefore accumulates in the lower part of the body and valve overload occurs, leading to the appearance of varicose veins.

Too long standing

Sitting for too long or standing for a long time impairs our blood circulation, which has to constantly fight against gravity.


The contraceptive pill causes fluid retention and failure of the reticular veins.

Women who take contraceptive drugs usually notice significant changes in their legs, including the appearance of varicose veins or vascular spiders.


How to treat varicose veins?

Having a family history of varicose veins, severe venous thrombosis or circulatory problems in the lower limbs can influence the onset of these pathologies.

Other risk factors

Smoking, high blood pressure and excess cholesterol are direct and indirect causes of varicose veins, and more generally of all circulatory problems.

The best remedies for treating varicose veins

It is important to attack varicose veins early in their appearance, when the veins are only slightly dilated.

In this way, it is possible to prevent them from continuing their development until stage 2 (discomfort, heaviness and cramps), stage 3 (changes in the appearance of the skin and pain in the subcutaneous tissues), or even stage 4 (acute pain and infections).

The most suitable natural treatments to reabsorb varicose veins in the first stages of their formation are:

The blueberries

This small berry promotes blood circulation thanks to its vasodilator properties. Blueberries indeed make it possible to strengthen the venous walls and have anti-hemorrhagic properties.

But that’s not all ! They are also rich in vitamin P, as well as in bioflavonoids.

You can eat them raw as a dessert or snack, or you can prepare them as an infusion by dipping a spoonful of dried fruit in a cup of water. You can drink up to two cups a day.

The aloe vera

It is a very effective remedy and very popular among people who suffer from varicose veins. You can cut an aloe vera stalk along its entire length, then press the inside onto the affected area, or you can squeeze the gel out to distribute it all over the leg.

Some people recommend making a mixture of aloe vera, a grated carrot and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, then applying it as an ointment and leaving it on for 20 minutes.

Horsetail to treat varicose veins

Many plants can help us to have better blood circulation, and therefore to reduce varicose veins.

Horsetail has, for example, many virtuous properties for our veins and arteries. Consuming it regularly allows varicose veins to disappear completely.

However, this plant is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as people with heart problems or suffering from thrombophlebitis.


One of the other herbs that we can suggest to you to fight against varicose veins is calendula. It has the ability to protect the veins from degeneration that can affect them with the passage of time.

Calendula infusion helps repair damaged tissue, reduce swelling in the lower limbs and relieve pain caused by varicose veins.

It is also possible to find calendula-based creams on the market. You can even make your own!

All you need to do is pound a handful of calendula petals in a little water, then add this mixture to a neutral moisturizer.

Apply this balm every night before going to bed on the affected areas, without rinsing.

Essential oils

Massages are a great solution if your legs hurt from varicose veins. They make it possible to fight against a too great sedentary lifestyle by reactivating all the tissues of your skin.

The movements practiced should be circular and should start at the calves, before continuing up to the thighs.

You can, for example, use olive oil to help blood flow and prevent blockage of the veins. Try to keep it lukewarm when you use it.

Cypress to treat varicose veins

The bark of this tree has many properties to treat many diseases related to the blood circulation, such as varicose veins.


  • 2 tablespoons of cypress leaves and bark (20 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Heat the liter of water. When it comes to a boil, add the cypress leaves and bark.
  • Let the decoction take place for 10 minutes. Then filter and let cool.
  • Consume 7 tablespoons per day of this drink.

You can also use this treatment topically, by soaking a cotton ball and applying it to the area affected by varicose veins.

Horse chestnut

Brown to treat varicose veins.

It is one of the best varicose veins remedies that we know of today. It is also perfectly suitable for people who suffer from phlebitis, as it helps stimulate blood circulation.

Horse chestnut has the ability to restore the optimal functioning of the veins and its valves.


  • 5 tablespoons of horse chestnut peel (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring the water to boil then add the horse chestnut bark. Let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, filter the preparation and wait for the mixture to cool before drinking it.
  • Repeat the operation every day, morning or evening, to treat varicose veins.

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