7 Habits To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

We still do not know the causes of this disease which remains incurable today. As it grows, nerve cells die off, and different areas of the brain gradually atrophy. Patients lose immediate memory, and their mental capacities diminish.

Several studies show that we can prevent Alzheimer’s disease by adopting a healthy behavior and applying it daily through actions that could significantly reduce the risk of having this disease. But before we go into any further details, let’s start by taking stock of what it really means to have Alzheimer’s disease.

This disease which affects several million people around the world concerns the neurodegenerative disorder, also known as senile dementia . It is characterized by immediate loss of memory and drastically reduces mental abilities. It is caused by the death of nerve cells and the atrophy of several areas of the brain.

A person with this disease may still be able to survive it for up to 10 years from the day of diagnosis, but their condition is likely to worsen over time.

This incurable disease, discovered by two German psychiatrists in the last century, usually makes its appearance in people over 65 years of age with the main symptom being a lack of ability to withhold information or remember certain things.

The more the Alzheimer’s progresses, the more its symptoms are felt: mental confusion, aggressiveness, irritability, mood swings, long-term memory loss , isolation, speech disorders… The symptoms are numerous and the causes are still unknown; it must be said that even drugs cannot do much except partially alleviate this disease.

1. A healthy diet to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

There is still no effective treatment to eradicate Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists, however, advise to maintain a healthy diet and exercise so that the disease does not develop quickly. Experts in this disease also recommend following the following tips.

  • Reduce your consumption of trans and saturated fats. These fats contribute a lot to increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood and stimulate the production of sensitive areas in the brain (characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease).
  • Eat more vegetables, legumes, seeds and fruits. These ingredients must be present in your diet because they are rich in minerals and vitamins (like B6 and folic acid) which help protect the brain and prevent cognitive deterioration. they also reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cholesterol, which are linked to this disease.

2. Vitamin E

The recommended dose is 5 mg, as this antioxidant is very beneficial for the brain.

It can be found in nuts, papaya, mango, avocado, tomato, red pepper, spinach, fortified cereals and bread.

3. Vitamin B 12

raw vegan diet and deficiencies

It can be found in animal products and in fortified foods. These supplements are used to reduce the level of the amino acid linked to cognitive deterioration.

Consuming vitamin B therefore helps improve memory and relieve stress on the brain. It is therefore ideal for people over 50 years old.

3. Preventing Diabetes Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s

type 1 diabetes treatment
Type 1 diabetes develops in childhood as an autoimmune disease of the cells that produce insulin.

Many studies have shown that type II diabetes increases the risk of having this disease, since it causes high levels of sugar in the blood, which affects the brain.

4. Vegetable oils

Linseed or hemp oils are particularly rich in omega 3.

You can also opt for fish oil, but it should be taken into account that some fish contain mercury, a toxic element that could be associated with Alzheimer’s.

5. Avoid excess nutrients to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

It is necessary to avoid the consumption of vitamin supplements with copper and iron.

The excess of these nutrients could cause brain problems, knowing that they are already present in many foods that we consume daily.

6. Avoid cooking with aluminum

Pots and pans are made of these materials which are harmful to our health. The same goes for utensils like spoons and forks. You should know that aluminum has never been of any use for the good of our health.

7. Walking can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease

It is advisable to walk three times a week, for 40 minutes and actively.

Not only will this help you lose weight, it  could also reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s by roughly 50%.

Photographs courtesy of Bev Sykes, Andrea Nardi, Vince Alongi, Smanatha Ing and Martin Cathrae.

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