7 Foods That Can Help You Fight Fatigue

Even though it has a reputation for fattening, avocado is one of the most complete fruits around. It provides us with large amounts of vitamins, protein and fiber, which make it an ideal food to start the day with energy.

Sometimes we feel tired from overworking, a period of stress, emotional issues, or poor sleep.

However, fatigue is sometimes inexplicable, and it is possible that it is related to an organic disorder.

In this article, we will introduce you to some foods that, thanks to their nutritional properties, provide us with energy and vitality.

They can help us overcome those days when we feel very tired. These are oats, pollen, cocoa, spirulina, scab, avocado and banana.


Oats are a very nutritious cereal, but also very rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

It has the advantage of being very energetic, but also has relaxing properties.

This is the best option when your fatigue is caused by states of stress, anxiety and nervousness.

How to consume it?

  • For breakfast, you can eat flaked oats. It goes very well with fruits, dried fruits and yogurt.
  • You can also opt for a plant-based oatmeal drink. It is a delicious substitute for milk.
  • With oatmeal it is possible to prepare many sweet recipes, such as cakes or waffles.
  • You can also add oats to your soups and stews, to give them a creamier appearance and better consistency.


Pollen is a “super-food” strongly recommended for people who feel tired and have a lack of appetite. 

It is also an excellent supplement for children, athletes and pregnant women.

You can consume it in the morning for breakfast. You will need to grind its grains to be able to digest it better, and assimilate it without problems.

Pollen and other foods produced by bees (honey or propolis) are highly recommended when we feel very tired and our immune defenses are at their lowest.


Before talking about the properties of cocoa, it is important to differentiate it from chocolate.

Chocolate is a processed food, made from cocoa, but which is not as beneficial as the latter, because it also contains sugar and fats that are dangerous for our body.

Conversely, pure and bitter cocoa is a highly medicinal food, which has stimulating and regulating properties of the nervous system.

It can be used in many smoothies and desserts.

You can sweeten it with a little honey, cane sugar or agave syrup.

If you want it to take on a softer texture, you can pair it with extra virgin coconut oil.


This seaweed has almost miraculous properties for our health, and should therefore be part of our daily diet.

Indeed, it has very complete nutritional values, capable of filling many deficiencies from which we may suffer.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause states of fatigue for no apparent reason.

Spirulina can be consumed in tablet form, or you can include it in your breakfast smoothies.


This root from Peru is appreciated all over the world in the form of a powdered food supplement.

It has energetic and stimulating properties. It is especially recommended for women who suffer from the symptoms of menopause, as it works as a hormonal regulator.

However, you have to be careful about the amounts of scab you consume, because if you exceed the recommended doses you will suffer from nervousness.

For this reason, start by consuming a pinch per day (about 3 grams), and never exceed 9 grams.

You can consume the scab mixed in a little water or natural juice.


It is one of the most complete fruits that exist, thanks to its incredible nutritional values.

It is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Consuming half an avocado each morning will give your body all the nutrients it needs to start the day. A true concentrate of energy!

You can also add avocado to your salads and smoothies, or make a delicious guacamole for the appetizer.

The banana

Even if it is a fruit, the nutritional values ​​of bananas lead many specialists to classify it in the same category as starchy foods.

With a small portion of banana, we can feel full and get a high dose of nutrients, which give us great vitality for several hours.

You can eat a banana on its own, or add it to your delicious smoothies by pairing it, for example, with cocoa, scab and vegetable oat drink.

In this way, you will get a very nutritious and revitalizing drink.

It is also possible to bake the banana in the oven with cinnamon and honey. It is a healthy dessert and ideal for cold days!

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