7 Facial Exercises To Avoid Flaccidity And Premature Wrinkles

If you practice these facial exercises every day, you will be able to tone your skin and prevent the flaccidity that appears over time. Supplement them with diet and plenty of water.

To keep a young, blemish-free face and prevent flaccidity, the cosmetics industry has designed a wide variety of treatments aimed at minimizing the damage caused by free radicals and providing them with appropriate nutrition.

However, while many provide good results, they don’t work on their own and require a holistic attitude to achieve good results.

Thus, a series of facial exercises have emerged which act as a supplement to daily care and diet.

They work the muscles of the face to tone them more and eliminate flaccidity.

In this article, we want to share with you the 7 best exercises for flaccidity to include in your daily beauty regimen.

1. Exercises for the cheeks

cheek exercises to prevent flaccidity

Continued practice of these cheek exercises helps tone and increase the elasticity of the skin.

How to achieve them?

  • Inhale and inflate the cheeks with air, then give them a few small strokes with your fingertips.
  • Try to keep the tension for 8 seconds and release the air slowly.
  • You can also twist the lips, first to the right side and then to the left side.
  • Make sure that both movements include the tension of the cheekbones to obtain good effects.

2. Exercises for the eye area

Exercising around the eyes is essential for relieving saggy eyebrow skin and minimizing crow’s feet.

Their continued practice keeps the skin taut and prevents the development of fine wrinkles and sagging skin.

How to do them?

  • Make circles with your index fingers and thumbs, as if you were drawing glasses on your face.
  • Put them around the eyes and use them to stretch the skin from top to bottom.
  • Blink 20 times without stopping stretching the skin, hold for a few seconds and relax.
  • You can also put your index fingers on each of the eyelids and exert downward pressure.
  • During this time, try to lift the eyebrows, relax and repeat 15 times to avoid sagging upper eyebrows.

3. Exercises for the contour of the mouth

Since the skin around the mouth is thinner than other parts of the body, it is normal for it to deteriorate due to lack of care and exercise. The following exercises will help you avoid flaccidity in this area.

With this very simple activity, it is possible to tone it naturally, complementing the effects of anti-wrinkle creams.

How to do ?

  • Open your mouth exaggeratedly, close it completely and do 10 repetitions.
  • Pronounce the vowels aloud with a well-defined expression, that is, by opening your mouth as much as possible. Repeat 10 times and rest.

4. Exercise for the forehead

Expression lines that form on the forehead can be minimized and prevented through the daily practice of a simple exercise. 

How to do ?

  • Put both hands on your forehead with the palms facing in and pull the skin out, as if you were sweeping your forehead.
  • Relax the skin, rest for 10 seconds and repeat up to 15 times.

5. Exercise for the neck to avoid flaccidity

neck exercises to prevent flaccidity

The skin on the neck is thin and is often the part that we neglect the most in our daily beauty routine.

To tone it up and prevent premature wrinkles, practice the following facial gymnastics exercise.

How to do ?

  • With a straight gaze, place your fingertips on the lower part of the neck and stroke the skin forwards and backwards, with the head tilted back.
  • Move your head forward and backward, repeating 6 to 8 times.

6. Exercise to avoid droopy eyelids

The droopy eyelids and eyebrows make the face look dramatic, aged and tired.

This simple exercise helps prevent flaccidity and helps your eyelids look better over time.

How to do ?

  • Put an index finger under each eye, pointing towards the nose.
  • Cover the teeth with your lips and start blinking quickly while looking at the ceiling.
  • Repeat this 3 times, for 30 seconds.

7. Exercise for the double chin

If you work the double chin area, you will prevent it from getting bigger due to the fat and inflammation and thus you will avoid flaccidity.

How to do ?

  • Adopt an upright posture, whether standing or sitting in an upright chair.
  • Move your head back, keep your gaze up, and make your mouth move as if you are chewing something.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.

As a supplement to these exercises, remember to maintain proper hydration by consuming healthy water and drinks.

Avoid overexposure to the sun, and habits like alcohol and smoking. Also remember to apply creams!

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