6 Truths About Excessive Salt Consumption

We consume more salt than the recommended daily amount. However, we know that consuming too much salt can lead to health problems. The reverse is also true: ingesting too little salt can also be harmful to health. What should I know on the subject? 

Common salt or sodium chloride is a mineral compound that we use as a condiment daily. However, for several years, specialists have alerted us to the dangers of excessive salt consumption.

Salt has even been referred to as white venom, along with table sugar and refined flour, especially because excessive salt intake for an extended period of time can lead to health problems. Is everything we hear about salt consumption really true?

In the rest of this article, we want to give you some information on the most important truths about excessive consumption of this ingredient. Read this information carefully and make sure to follow the recommendations given.

1. Excessive salt intake increases blood pressure

A patient with excessive salt intake who is tested for blood pressure

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that salt has a major influence on the increase in blood pressure levels. Chronic high blood pressure is in medical terms high blood pressure.

High blood pressure increases the risk of suffering from stroke or coronary heart disease, one of the leading causes of death in industrialized countries.

Certain tests carried out in particular in the United Kingdom, in Japan and in Finland showed that the reduction in the daily consumption of salt lowers the blood pressure and thus reduces the risk of death due to a cerebrovascular accident.

Nevertheless, as experts point out, these positive results could be reinforced by practicing other healthy habits in parallel.

2. Excessive salt intake is a risk factor for stomach cancer

Today, stomach cancer continues to be one of the most common cancers. The geographic variations in incidence rates are such that researchers believe there is a link between this type of cancer and eating habits.

The main dietary factors associated with this disease are: habitual consumption of smoked foods, products preserved in salt and foods rich in nitrites.

Some epidemiological studies have looked at the relationship between excessive salt intake and stomach cancer. A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies shows that:

In some studies, researchers focus on canned meat, fish or vegetables. Roughly speaking, clinical and epidemiological evidence indicates that reducing the consumption of salt and high-salt products may lower the incidence rate of stomach cancer.

3. Patients with kidney problems should control their salt intake

People who suffer from chronic kidney problems should definitely avoid consuming too much salt. Chronic kidney disease is linked to risk factors for heart disease and worsening kidney function.

Because of the role the kidneys play in sodium balance, it is important that these patients moderate their salt intake. As part of a review of scientific studies, researchers were able to observe positive effects on high blood pressure and sodium excretion in 24 hours.

Likewise, the risk of suffering from edema is lower. However, the researchers were unable to determine the long-term effects of reducing salt intake, such as lower death rates or worsening kidney function.

4. We consume too much salt

Salt consumption

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming around 5 grams of salt per day. The problem is, many of us these days consume more than the recommended daily amount. This also applies to children.

In some countries where the salt consumption of the population has been quantified, the daily amount consumed varies between 8 and 12 grams.

5. We must pay attention to the salt intake that we do not control

In general, the excessive salt consumption of the majority of the population is not due to the addition of salt in cooking. It is estimated that the addition of salt in cooking represents only between 20 and 25% of the total: the salt present in the food we buy has a much greater weight.

The remaining percentage comes from the consumption of the following foods:

  • Stock cubes and prepared soups
  • Commercial sauces
  • Bread, biscuits and industrial cereals
  • Cold cuts and other meat preparations such as frankurts or sausages
  • Snacks and salty dried fruits

Therefore, one of the best things you can do to reduce your salt intake is to always choose fresh foods whenever possible. The following foods are therefore to be preferred:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Fish
  • Fresh lean meat

6. It is also dangerous to consume too little salt

Neither too much salt nor too little. Of course, we must be careful not to consume it in an excessive way, but we must not either completely eliminate it from our diet or consume too little.

We have to find a balance. Salt is important: thanks to sodium, our body is able to maintain a good level of hydration, to transport oxygen and nutrients and to produce nerve stimulation.

Insufficient or very low salt intake can also lead to health problems. Paradoxically, insufficient salt intake is also a risk factor for high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

You now know all about the most common truths about salt. Consume salt in a balanced way. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist if you still have doubts on the subject.

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