6 Tips For A Healthier Bedroom

Believe it or not, keeping a clean and tidy room is not only good for your physical health by avoiding harmful microorganisms, but also for your mental well-being.

Although it’s something you don’t pay attention to, your bedroom can be contaminated with various elements that threaten emotional and physical health.

It is necessary to focus on this topic, especially when it comes to sleeping well and having a good rest, necessary to renew energies and start each day with strength and motivation.

Keep in mind that while sleeping, the body generates antioxidants and hormones that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

If you are looking to make your bedroom a temple of tranquility, “good vibes” and a nice place to rest, take the following step-by-step advice.

1. Avoid electronic devices

sleep well

Sleep disturbances are linked to the amount of electromagnetic pollution in the room.

Televisions, tablets, computers and cell phones deteriorate the quality of sleep, reducing our defenses.

Therefore, avoid magnetic overload in the room.

Leave the tablet and laptop elsewhere and unplug other devices such as the stereo and television.

2. Air your room

It is vital to renew the air you breathe in the room every day. This way you will eliminate that dirty environment that gets stuck instead.

  • Make a habit of opening windows for at least 10 minutes a day when you wake up.
  • Clean air will not only produce a cooling effect, it will also help prevent mold and the growth of bacterial microorganisms.

3. Change the sheets every week

change your sheets every week for a healthy bedroom

Sheets should be changed at least once a week.

This will prevent the buildup of bacteria, mites and other health threatening germs.

  • If possible, wash all sheets (flat sheet, pillowcases and duvet covers) with hot water and anti-bacterial soap to remove all traces of bacteria more effectively.

4. Decorate with plants

There are different plants that in addition to decorating, offer a feeling of relaxation and harmony.

While plants in general are useful for cleaning the air, not all are suitable for storage in a confined space, so look into one of the following plants:

  • Lavender. Besides having an exquisite scent, lavender is used to induce sleep and reduce stress.
  • Jasmine. This exotic plant is specialized in providing a calming effect and controlling anxiety.
  • Bamboo palm. Acts as a relaxer and perfect for purifying the air and decorating spaces.
  • Mother-in-law’s tongue. Ideal for decorating interiors because it supports strong climatic changes and resists the lack of light and irrigation. It purifies the air by turning carbon dioxide into oxygen and, according to feng shui, it is a magnet for good luck.
  • Chrysanthemum. Thanks to its beautiful colors, it is used to purify the air and give a touch of harmony and happiness to the home.
  • Orchid. Known as the plant of youth, it has the ability to remove xylene from the environment, a narcotic and harmful agent found in small appliances.
  • Aloe vera. Plant suitable to have at home because it is responsible for the emission of oxygen and stimulates deep sleep. It is the perfect plant if you are not at home for long, as it tolerates the lack of light and water.

Although you need to take care of them, they are much more resilient than other plants.

5. Remove all waste from the chamber

If you are one of those people who eats lunch or dinner in bed while watching TV, immediately remove dirty dishes and plates.

In addition to giving a bad smell and a bad appearance, you can attract unwanted insects.

6. Put everything in its place

There are many ways to promote emotional health, one of them is to keep the room and the house in general in perfect order.

  • Keep everything in its place. Make the bed when you get up, pick up the shoes and keep the dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
  • Make sure that the decoration and every element in it fulfills the function of conveying joy and tranquility.
  • If you can, add photos or images that match the decor and remind you of special places, times and people.

It’s a very simple and safe routine to practice when you get home from a long day. You will feel much better.

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