6 Solutions To Avoid Bad Odors In The Refrigerator

If when opening your refrigerator the smell is unbearable, do not hesitate to read and opt for one of these 6 solutions to end bad smells quickly and safely.

It is common for bad odors to emanate from our refrigerator, as it is a household appliance prone to odors despite the precautions taken. In addition, they  can be present at any time and often we do not know their origin, which makes the task of completely eliminating the bad smell more laborious.

To begin with, you should try to avoid their occurrence. The more you take care of the way you store food, the easier it will be to get rid of bad smells that can then appear there.

The way to keep food fresher and odorless is based on keeping it in:

  • Closed plastic containers: these are the most practical, but they take up space.
  • Aluminum foil: it is excellent for storing food because it does not allow the entry or exit of odors, nor does it allow moisture to penetrate.
  • Plastic wrap:  it greatly simplifies the task, because it allows to keep the food isolated directly in the dish in which it is located.

food bad smells refrigerator

Causes of bad odors in the refrigerator

Often times, it may happen that you do not know where the bad smell is coming from. In this case, it is recommended to eliminate all suspicious products, unplug the refrigerator and clean it thoroughly. The main causes can be:

  • Forget about certain products and their subsequent decomposition.
  • Experience an unexpected power outage, which stops the refrigerator from working. This will affect the foods that need cold and cause them to decompose and rot. This happens mainly in hot weather.

Solutions to avoid bad smells in the refrigerator

Before you begin, you must first remove all items that are in your refrigerator and unplug it. Remember to clean all shelves, doors and drawers. You can do this in the following way:

  • Clean with a solution based on a mixture of water (1 liter) and baking soda (3 gr). This solution will help you to clean well and neutralize bad odors, as well as not leaving any odor of disinfectant or commercial chemical element.
  • Leave on for 3 minutes.
  • Dry the area well.

Then you can follow the following tips to finally put an end to those bad smells. And also prevent their occurrence. If you do not complete the previous steps, it is likely that the results are not ideal, and the smells will reappear quickly.

1. Glass with lemon juice

Lemon is a fruit of the citrus family with a pleasant and strong aroma that neutralizes odors. For best results, the ideal is to squeeze a lemon, put it in a glass and then leave it in the refrigerator. The aroma of your refrigerator will then change completely. But don’t forget to leave it for a maximum of 10 days.

2. Half a lemon with cloves

If the smell of lemon does not convince you, you can cut  a ripe lemon in half and prick 4 cloves in the pulp. This way you will get an ideal scent, because the scent of cloves combines perfectly with lemon to neutralize bad smells. After 7 days, you need to remove it and replace it with another one.

3. Charcoal to neutralize bad odors in the refrigerator

It is a porous material with a high carbon content that performs many functions. If you put a small piece of charcoal in a corner of the refrigerator,  you can remove unpleasant odors and excess moisture  with its antiseptic and germicidal properties.

4. Baking soda in a container

Baking soda also helps remove moisture and odors that may be present in the refrigerator. You just have to take a container and fill it with 1/2 cup. Then put it in a corner of the refrigerator. Its excellent antiseptic properties will thus eliminate the smell of rotting.

baking soda

5. Incense

You can place some incense in the refrigerator and close the door. In this way, the smoke gives off a pleasant aroma until it consumes all the oxygen and is extinguished. It is very important to remove the shelves and place them away from the ceiling to avoid damage to the refrigerator.

6. Coffee

If you like the smell of coffee, take a cup, fill it halfway with coffee beans, and put it in a corner of the fridge. Gradually, the bad smell will turn into exquisite coffee aroma. Change the cup every two weeks if you want to maintain this aroma.

With these ideas, your refrigerator will never have a bad smell again. So give them a try and tell us which one worked best for you!

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