6 Signs Of High Blood Sugar

Take note of these signs, as they could tell you to see a doctor and be diagnosed.

The body has high blood sugar levels much more prominently than you might think. Once the signs present themselves, some follow-up is necessary. If these signs persist over time, you will need to see your doctor.

Following up can be much easier if you have a general idea of ​​what these warning signs are. To help you, we present them to you here.

Signs that indicate high blood sugar

In general, there is a tendency to associate high blood sugar levels with problems such as diabetes. In reality, this is not entirely true. According to specialists from the Pan American Health Organization, the alteration can also occur due to:

  • Stress
  • Infections
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Certain drugs
  • A diet rich in carbohydrates (more than usual)
  • Hormonal changes that occur during menstruation

1. Polyphagia

Polyphagia is one of the signs of high blood sugar.

Polyphagia,  better known as increased appetite or simply “hunger”,  is one of the signs that can indicate high blood sugar. How does it manifest itself? It consists of a permanent feeling of hunger, regardless of the amount of food ingested.

When you have a high level of sugar in your blood, glucose is not released into your cells. Therefore, the body will not obtain the necessary energy. He will be forced to ask for more food, which will cause this constant feeling of hunger.

2. Signs of high blood sugar: weakness and fatigue

Another of the signs that can indicate high blood sugar is feeling constantly tired or weak. The person feels tired all the time,  including when they are not doing strenuous efforts or exercises.

As with polyphagia, since the body is unable to store and absorb glucose properly, energy is not used well. As a result,  the body’s cells do not receive the necessary amount of energy. The person thus feels tired, even “for no reason” to be so.

3. Polyuria

Another sign of high blood sugar is frequent urination. It is also one of the symptoms of diabetes. Why is it happening? Because the kidneys are trying to restore balance and get rid of excess glucose, in their own way.

In other words, the body dissolves the blood with the intracellular fluid. In this way, he tries to lower the sugar concentration to a more normal level. This translates into a desire to go to the bathroom much more often than usual.

4. Signs of high blood sugar: rapid weight loss

One of the signs of high blood sugar is weight loss.

Another of the signs that can indicate high blood sugar is drastic and sudden loss of weight. And this even if you eat copiously and / or foods with a high calorie content. Here are the reasons for this phenomenon.

By losing a large volume of fluids due to frequent urination, very little fluid will be retained and this leads to weight loss. A large amount of urine with a high level of glucose will cause the body to burn more calories.

All of this will lead the body to try to free itself from the excess glucose it may contain. Also, if the insulin level is insufficient for metabolism,  the body will work to burn fat.

5. Blurred vision

If your eyesight becomes blurry from time to time, this could also be a sign of high blood sugar. In this case,  this problem will be linked to the previous signs and, in particular, to dehydration.

When the body suffers from damage, many organs are affected, including the eyes. In the most serious cases, these can become deformed and lose the capacity of accommodation.

6. Signs of high blood sugar: irritability

People with high blood sugar are  more prone to stress easily and not managing their emotions properly,  especially because of the organic decompensation they exhibit.

Because the brain requires a consistent and appropriate supply of glucose for its proper functioning, if drastic changes in this diet occur,  mood will be affected.

In addition, sugar is also linked to the absorption of another nutrient responsible for mood, chromium. Indeed, the insulin level cannot be maintained without this element.

What to do ?

If you have experienced several or all of the above symptoms, we recommend that you see your doctor as soon as possible. Talk to him about your doubts and  don’t be afraid to explain your lifestyle in detail  (diet, hydration, exercise session, type of work, etc.). The more items you provide during the consultation, the better.

Avoid taking any action without first consulting a doctor. Indeed, instead of getting the profits you want, you could get precisely the opposite.

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