6 Important Benefits Of Green Tea

Although green tea has many benefits for our health, it is important not to exceed the recommended daily amount of 3 cups, as this could lead to disturbances in the sleep and nervousness.

Green tea is a naturally occurring ingredient that has gained popularity around the world over the past few decades due to its slimming properties.

It is one of the most consumed drinks these days. Due to its content of essential nutrients, it is indeed considered a medicinal supplement against certain diseases.

It is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and diuretic substances, which promote the proper functioning of the excretory organs to eliminate toxins.

It contains vitamins and minerals, as well as a low calorie intake, which thus provides multiple benefits to the body when consumed regularly.

Additionally, because it has a high source of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) , a type of catechins, it is classified as an anti-cancer food.

Some people do not yet know about its wonderful properties. So we are going to share with you today in this article 6 good reasons to consume it.

Discover them all!

1. It helps prevent heart disease

green tea helps prevent heart disease

The antioxidants in green tea are helpful in preventing the build-up of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries. It thus prevents the formation of plaques and obstructions.

  • These substances help to clean the blood circulation and facilitate the regulation of lipids throughout the body.
  • Its anti-inflammatory effects also reduce the risk of hypertension and chronic heart disease.
  • Its flavonoid content helps maintain good circulatory health and also prevents the formation of thrombi or clots.
  • If ingested moderately, it is a remedy to avoid the risk of heart failure and heart attack.

2. It fights against overweight

Obese or overweight patients can gain multiple benefits when they include green tea in their daily regimens.

  • This ingredient not only reduces the heart risks we are all exposed to, but also helps to limit excess body fat.
  • Its catechins act in a beneficial way on the metabolism, thus improving its ability to burn calories.
  • It is very satiating and therefore helps prevent excessive food intake.
  • Its detoxifying properties help remove toxins from the blood, which are involved in processes that reduce fat accumulation.
  • It is also a diuretic and therefore represents a solution against fluid retention which influences weight gain.

3. It acts as a natural laxative

Patients with chronic constipation or slow digestion for example can solve their problems with regular consumption of green tea.

  • Its mild laxative effect stimulates the movement of the intestine, thus facilitating the evacuation of the waste retained inside.
  • In addition, it fights abdominal inflammation and therefore facilitates the treatment of indigestion, gas and other common digestive disorders.

4. It regulates blood sugar levels

Green tea promotes metabolic health. It is therefore a natural solution against high blood sugar levels.

  • Its nutrients promote the good assimilation of carbohydrates, which represent a source of energy for the body.
  • When they are not absorbed properly, they are responsible for high sugar levels.
  • On the other hand, it is helpful in improving the use of insulin in the body . It is essential to avoid diabetes.

5. It protects the health of the liver

Green tea protects liver health

Including green tea in our daily diet is a simple and effective way to detoxify the liver to prevent chronic disease.

  • Its antioxidant compounds indeed help to break down and eliminate toxins, substances which are filtered by this organ for subsequent elimination.
  • EGCG minimizes damage from alcohol and smoking, reducing the risk of cancer and fatty liver disease.
  • It reduces inflammation and therefore promotes the production of bile for proper digestion of fats.

6. It prevents premature aging

Green tea is a drink packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is therefore one of the best allies for reducing the risk of premature aging of cells.

  • This not only indicates that it prevents the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging on the skin, but also that it protects the organs against diseases associated with old age.
  • Its flavonoids and vitamin E promote cell regeneration and also minimize the negative impact of oxidative stress.
  • It is a good ally for maintaining the health of the nervous system and the brain, as it reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Remember that while it offers many benefits, consuming green tea should be moderate . This is because exceeding the recommended daily amount (3 cups) could be negative.

Since it contains caffeine, consuming large doses can cause sleep disturbances and nervousness.

It is not advisable to mix green tea with drugs or alcoholic beverages.

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