6 Fantastic Uses Of Baking Soda

Did you know that baking soda is one of the most effective solutions for cleaning all kinds of dental appliances? It can also be used to brush teeth.

Products such as hydrogen peroxide, apple vinegar, baking soda or coconut oil are used in many cases, all thanks to their versatility, their low impact on the environment as well as their simple use.

Today we are going to take a look at baking soda also called sodium bicarbonate. Since it is present in any drawer of our kitchens, within easy reach of everyone for easy use.

In today’s article we are going to talk about 6 great uses we can make of this product. Read it carefully!

1. Exfoliate the skin

baking soda uses: exfoliating the skin

Sometimes, s we do not have the tools at hand to perform adequate skin exfoliation. This is when baking soda can properly replace any type of cosmetic product intended for this use.


  • 3 teaspoons of baking soda (30g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Mix these two ingredients in a suitable container to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • You can use it all over the body, but also on the face.
  • To exfoliate properly, just place a little in the palm of your hands and massage in circular movements.
  • Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water at room temperature.

2. Protect the armpits

People use baking soda as a natural alternative for a variety of reasons, one of which is its low price. However, many of them do this not for the sake of buying a branded deodorant, but for the benefits that product offers.

The bicarbonate protects the armpits from bacterial build-up, and thus prevents bad odors and irritation.

Best of all, it’s a natural option.

3. Relieve acidity and satiety

A heaviness in the stomach usually occurs after consuming a rich food. This, in general terms, causes stomach acidity or indigestion.

When these problems appear one should consume foods or resort to anti-acid remedies, such as milk or fruit salts. However, since we do not always have them, we can also make a simple antidote with baking soda.

6 Fantastic Uses of Baking Soda: Protecting Armpits From Sweat


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10g)
  • juice of 1/2 lemon


  • In a small container the juice of half a lemon is squeezed.
  • Then pour in the baking soda spoon and mix.
  • It is recommended to consume it all at once.

4. Protect the teeth

People without sufficient resources to purchase a tube of toothpaste can resort to baking soda to develop an effective supplement. There are even those who prefer to opt for this choice, thanks to its simple preparation and the benefits obtained.


  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • We mix the two ingredients. The idea of ​​the combination is to obtain a dense paste, similar to that which one uses to brush the teeth regularly.
  • Once ready it is applied to the toothbrush and the usual brushing process is carried out. This should last about 3 minutes.

5. Protect dental appliances

If we continue with the idea of ​​oral health, we have to mention a relatively useful use of bicarbonate with regard to this topic.

It is certain that it is an alternative, but it also plays a capital role when there is a lack of ideas to protect the objects used in the mouth, such as dental appliances, false palates or dental prostheses, among others.

This product has antibacterial properties and, for this reason, it helps fight the presence of foreign bodies lodged in these devices.

In addition, it is responsible for eliminating food particles, while destroying their odors and minimizing the risk of infection.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First, heat the glass of water until it reaches a lukewarm temperature.
  • Then we mix with a baking soda spoon and pour into a container where we can fit the oral device we want to clean or disinfect.
  • We’ll have to leave it in there for several minutes.
  • To finish, it will be enough to clean it with a soft brush, and it will be like new.

6. Clean kitchen products

Thanks to their antibacterial power, this product is also used to wash any object in the kitchen, from the smallest container to the largest pot.

Apart from everything we have just seen, we can also use baking soda for cleaning surfaces, such as countertops and ceramic walls. The amounts will depend on the areas we want to clean.

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