6 Effective Ways To Control The Hormones That Make You Gain Weight

Just as there are foods that can make us gain weight, we need to take care of our hormonal balance to avoid to accumulate extra pounds and to stay healthy.

Hormones and genetics also play an important role in weight problems. If we can’t do anything about the genes we’re born with, we can try to control our hormones, which can sometimes cause us to gain weight.

Experts always recommend that we eat less and exercise more to lose weight. Currently, most researchers realize that this advice is far too simplistic when it comes to addressing the issues of overweight and obesity.

1. Eat more fiber and less sugar

Insulin is one of the most incriminated hormones when it comes to weight gain. It is in fact responsible for stimulating the consumption of sugar and storing it in the form of fat in the body.

It is a cycle that can quickly become vicious. As you gain weight, your body makes more insulin to process the sugar in your cells. It is a process that causes you to gain weight.

If your diet is low in sugar and high in fiber, you will have less difficulty naturally controlling your insulin levels.

This is because fiber is slowly broken down in the body and helps keep blood sugar levels under control.

Fiber also helps us digest better and achieve a feeling of fullness more quickly and sustainably, which makes it easier for us to lose weight.

2. Eat protein throughout the day

Protein is important because it helps regulate a hormone called ghrelin. You may never have heard of it, but it is very important in weight gain: it is called the hunger hormone.

High levels of this substance in your body cause your brain to recommend that you eat. However, protein does help control these hormones and turn off false signals that tell you to eat food.

You don’t have to consume protein of animal origin. Like those contained in meat, eggs and dairy products. Dried fruits, seeds, and pulses, like beans and lentils, are healthy proteins that you can eat on a regular basis.

3. Choose your dairy products carefully

Unless you’re lactose intolerant, dairy isn’t bad for you. But you have to choose them well.

Many companies in the dairy industry use artificial growth hormones to boost the milk and meat production of their cows.

These hormones were not designed for humans. It is possible that they cause significant weight gain when they reach our body.

We therefore advise you to opt for dairy products from organic farming. Or those who specify that they do not contain hormones. In this way, you will be able to enjoy all their benefits without suffering the consequences of unwanted weight gain.

4. Pay attention to the seeds and grains you eat.

Grains and grains that contain gluten, especially when they are whole, are not necessarily bad for everyone. However, if your thyroid gland is not functioning properly, we recommend that you reduce your intake of these foods.

Many studies show that a diet rich in gluten drastically decreases the production of thyroid hormone. This hormone plays an important role in weight gain because it helps regulate metabolism.

Controlling thyroid hormones, helps control metabolism, and thus it will have the ability to shed extra pounds.

5. Avoid soy and its derivatives

Soy is a complex product. It is low in fat and calories, and high in vegetable protein. But it also contains chemicals called phytoestrogens.

They can block estrogen hormones in your body. Controlling estrogen hormones also helps to control the production of the hormone leptin.

Indeed, leptin plays an important role in the regulation of satiety. And therefore in the stabilization of the weight. When your leptin levels are normal, you feel full fairly quickly, which is good for your weight.

This is why it is important to avoid consuming soy when you want to lose weight.

6. Reduce your caffeine intake

Coffee and tea are rich in antioxidants and are generally beneficial for our health. However, if you want to lose weight, you need to decrease your caffeine intake.

Caffeine can increase the levels of the hormone cortisol. It is the hormone responsible for responding to stress and which is responsible for obesity in the abdominal area. Because it redistributes the fat present in the arms and legs into the belly.

If you are looking to lose weight, then you should consume less caffeine. This includes not drinking so-called decaffeinated drinks.

These small changes in your eating habits are not necessarily based on the amount of calories you eat, but on the components of the foods you eat on a regular basis.

Hormones play a fundamental role in stabilizing body weight. If you know how to control hormones and use them to your advantage, you will be able to reach your goals much faster.

Keep in mind that if you want to make drastic changes in your eating habits, it is best to consult your doctor or a nutritionist.

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