6 Effective Recipes For Removing Streaks

Apply these treatments when your streaks still have a purple tint. When they acquire white tones, it is more difficult to eliminate them, because they have already healed.

Streaks are the puzzle of thousands of people around the world who are looking for different  ways to remove them in order to make their skin look better.

This is an unsightly problem that occurs when the skin stretches too much and very quickly. 

Thus, the collagen fibers break down and cause lines of white and purple color. Unfortunately, they are often very difficult to remove.

Although they do not pose any health risks, their appearance on the skin can be very unpleasant for people who suffer from them, as they have always been looked down on aesthetically. 

Faced with the need to remedy the streaks of the skin, the beauty and cosmetics industry has taken on the task of developing techniques, products and processes which aim to eliminate or, at least to reduce in a way. significant streaks.

However, these treatments are expensive, and many people are looking for other alternatives without having to spend that much.

For this reason, we are going to present you 6 homemade recipes, made with natural ingredients that help improve the appearance of the skin.

Rosehip and almond oil against streaks

These oils have important nutrients that help restore the skin and increase collagen production. 

They can be used on their own or mixed together to concentrate their vitamin E, antioxidants and hydrating compounds that accelerate streak reduction.

How to prepare the mixture?

  • Mix two equal doses of rosehip oil and almond oil.
  • Then, apply the preparation every morning after your shower, performing gentle massages on the affected areas of your skin.

Avocado treatment for streaks

This fruit contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants that have a positive impact on the skin and allow it to be regenerated.

This treatment combines the incredible benefits of avocado with those of honey and lemon, and consists of a powerful cream that eliminates streaks.

How to prepare it?

  • Crush the avocado pulp and mix it with a spoonful of lemon and a spoonful of honey, until you form a paste.
  • Then apply the cream to the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes and repeat the operation every day for good results.

Horsetail against streaks

Horsetail has a high silicon content , and is a natural regenerator, which helps reduce streaks in different parts of the body , especially those that have just appeared.

How to prepare it?

  • Macerate 100 grams of horsetail with 8 drops of lemon in a liter of alcohol at 40 ° C for one month.
  • Then, after the time has elapsed, dilute the mixture in 50% water and apply it using gentle circular massages on the affected areas.

Carrot puree against streaks

This vegetable improves skin tone, and helps protect it from sun damage.

In addition, its nutrients stimulate the regeneration of the skin, in order to significantly reduce streaks. 

How to prepare it?

  • Steam two carrots and wait for them to soften. When they are ready, crush them until they form a paste.
  • Then add two tablespoons of coconut oil to boost its benefits.
  • Apply the cream to the affected areas, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Aloe vera against streaks

This plant is valued by its strong medicinal power and its high content of nutrients which hydrate, heal and stimulate the healing of the skin.

How to prepare it?

  • Extract half a cup of aloe vera gel .
  • Then mix it with a spoonful of olive oil and apply it on the parts of the body affected by the streaks.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes, rinse and repeat the treatment at least twice a week.

Cocoa butter against streaks

Cocoa butter is one of the ingredients par excellence that helps to get rid of streaks and improve skin health.

It contains antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids which hydrate the skin and accelerate its healing to decrease wrinkles, streaks and scars. So buy pure cocoa butter and apply it twice a day for best results.

Another good option is to prepare a natural anti-streak cream based on this ingredient.

How to prepare it?

  • Mix it with a spoonful of wheat germ oil, two spoonfuls of grated beeswax, a spoonful of apricot kernel oil and a spoonful of vitamin E.
  • Then heat everything in a double boiler.
  • Finally, apply it like a cream on the affected body parts.

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