6 Changes In Your Daily Life To Gain 10 Years Of Life Expectancy

Have you ever wondered how to increase your life expectancy?

Do you want to have a longer life expectancy? Do you get sick easily? Do you suffer from cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes? Want to lose weight but no diet seems to work?

Maybe it is time to make some lifestyle changes to allow you to achieve all of this. You will immediately see the effects.

Today you have the ability to change the way you live and start living a healthier life. Maybe some people have already made some good New Year’s resolutions.

But for others, it’s time to catch up and make lots of changes in order to increase life expectancy.

Now is the time to take care of your health, and face the year 2019 free from what you no longer want in your life.

Habit changes to increase your life expectancy

Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet

If you eat well, you will feel good. It’s a very simple equation. Have you wondered why you are irritable, tired, and why you don’t feel like doing anything except eating and throwing yourself on fatty and sugary food?

Know that you will only bring good things to your body if you eat fruits and vegetables, preferably raw. You will accumulate a great deal of energy to carry out all your daily activities, without any problem.

Plus, they’ll help keep you from getting sick, lowering your cholesterol levels, losing weight, and controlling your blood sugar levels.

Eat two fruits and three vegetables a day, and add color to your plate!

Exercise every day

You don’t have to go to the gym if you don’t like the idea. There are many ways to exercise informally. Even though doctors tell us it’s not quite the same thing, you have to start somewhere, right?

When you get to work, go up the stairs instead of using the elevator. When you get home, get off a metro station first and walk home. Ride a bike to pick up your kids from school or to go shopping.

Do a thorough cleaning of your house on Saturday morning, with the music playing (without disturbing the neighbors) and burn calories!

You can also do some gardening work, wash the car, take the dog out in the neighborhood, etc.

There are a thousand ways to move your body without jogging or lifting weights!

Sleep better to boost your life expectancy

You have certainly heard that you need eight hours a day to rest your body well and fully recharge your batteries. This is indeed necessary for a longer life expectancy.

The correct amount of sleep is not exact, as it can be six or seven hours. You need to feel rested, and your body regaining strength.

In addition, during your lifetime, your need for sleep will change.

During pregnancy, during the winter, or when you are on vacation, you will certainly want to stay a little longer in your bed! Take advantage and sleep as much as possible!

Don’t miss out on a good nap if you have the opportunity.

Many companies now give their employees time to sleep right after lunch, so they can be more productive until the end of the day.

You can talk about it at your work, maybe they will set up a relaxation area!

sleep and life expectancy

Listen to your body

You probably didn’t realize it, but your body is still giving you signals of what is happening to it. Or, you might not have interpreted it correctly. You must learn to decipher this language made up of sensations and emotions.

Pain and fever are two signs we all know.  When you are very tired and don’t feel like doing anything, you may be developing an illness.

Try to get some more rest, don’t worry so much about what’s going on around you, and think about yourself a bit.

Avoid excess stress

Normal doses of stress (or rather certain hormones) are good for our daily life. But, it should not be abused because otherwise many inconveniences and diseases can arise.

Nowadays, adults suffer more and more from stress, which results in various pathologies such as stomach acid, ulcers, constipation, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, heart attacks, headaches, even cancers.

We are not overdoing it, all of this can be caused by too much stress.

Your natural defenses weaken with stress, and you then catch all the diseases that pass, because your body will let in viruses and bacteria. By slowing down your pace of life, and avoiding anxiety and nervousness, you will reduce your stress.

Don’t let everyday concerns get over you, do relaxing activities like yoga or swimming, meditate, read a book sitting on the sofa, enjoy a good bath, listen to classical music, enjoy a chat with your friends or your partner.
The options are limitless!

Give up your unhealthy habits to increase your life expectancy

  • In case you smoke, say goodbye to cigarettes.
  • Start eating salads at the office if you eat too much fast food.
  • If you spend the day on your computer, try to walk a little more.
  • If you eat a lot of white flours or refined sugar, switch up and go for healthier options, like whole grains, stevia, or brown sugar.
  • If you eat fried foods, consider other alternatives such as steaming or grilling.

Commit to changing your habits to have a better life expectancy.

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