5 Tips To Ripen An Avocado In Minutes

There are many excellent tips for ripening avocados, but be aware that some may slightly alter their original taste due to this speeding up. maturity.

Avocado is one of the best and healthiest fruits that we can incorporate into our diet on a regular basis. In this article, let’s see some tips on how to ripen an avocado.

Most people can visually distinguish two varieties, but in reality it is estimated that there are almost 900 different varieties.

The most popular are the small “hass”, which are used in the preparation of guacamole, and the “strong” which accompanies many types of dishes.

From a general point of view, people prefer the latter because it has a soft and creamy texture accompanied by a special taste that pairs well with other foods.

In addition, from a nutritional point of view, it is one of the most complete and energetic foods, given its high content of essential fatty acids, proteins and antioxidant substances.

The downside is that it is difficult to know when the avocado has reached its degree of maturity to be ready for consumption.

Most are sold when they are not quite ripe. This is why it is good to know some tips to speed up this process and to consume them quickly.

In this article, we are going to share with you a method to ripen avocados in minutes and other tips to make them ripen a little slower.

Don’t miss it!

How to ripen an avocado in the microwave?

Normal ripening of this fruit can take several days, depending on the degree of ripeness at which it has been cut.

However, if you need it quickly, you can try this microwave method which will soften it up in a matter of minutes.

Before you start, you should know that this technique can slightly alter the natural taste of the fruit.

However, it will be ideal for making guacamole, salads, smoothies, and other recipes.

The method

  • Take a fork and prick the avocado several times on all sides.
  • Put it on a plate with a small towel or plastic cover to prevent it from exploding in the microwave. 
  • Program 30 seconds, and if the avocado has not softened enough, 30 seconds more.
  • Wait for it to cool down a bit and cut it as usual.

How to ripen an avocado with aluminum foil?

Avocado in foil

Using aluminum foil, you can also speed up the ripening of the avocado in just a few minutes.

Here, we do not use the microwave, but put it on an oven rack to cook it at a temperature of 200 ºC.

The method

  • Take a generous amount of aluminum foil and cover all the avocado.
  • Put it on the oven rack for 10 minutes.
  • Wait for it to cool completely, remove the paper and you can eat it!

How to ripen an avocado in a paper bag?

An avocado in kraft paper

A kraft paper bag is used to speed up the ripening of the avocado because it catches the ethylene gas.

It is a method that lasts a little longer but it has the advantage of completely retaining the taste and all the properties of the fruit.

The method

  • Put the avocado inside a paper bag that has no holes.
  • Add a ripe apple or tomato to the bag to increase the production of ethylene gas.
  • Close the bag and put it at a temperature between 18 ºC and 24 ºC.
  • Two days later, it will be ready for consumption.

How to ripen an avocado cut in half?

If you cut an avocado that was not yet ripe in half, remember this amazing tip before it turns brown.

The method

  • Before wrapping it, take a little lemon juice and sprinkle it on the pulp.
  • Gather the two halves cut in half, leave the core and wrap them in a sticky and transparent plastic as if it were a whole avocado.
  • Put it in the refrigerator until it reaches the desired degree of ripeness.

How to ripen an avocado with newspaper?

Although it is a very old technique, it is one of the most used in homes.

The method

  • Wrap the green avocado in a sheet of newspaper and put it in a warm place such as the oven, but turned off.
  • Leave it for two days or until it softens enough.

Now you know how to speed up the ripening of your avocados when you buy them green and want to consume them as fast as possible.

Choose the method that appeals to you the most and follow the instructions in this article step by step for good results.

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