5 Strategies For Developing Healthy Habits In Adolescents

The practice of healthy habits during adolescence is essential to cope with the physical and emotional changes of this stage. What should be taken into account? We will detail it for you in this space.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescence as the stage experienced by a person between the ages of 10 and 19. Bodily and psychological transformations occur there, which condition the perception that one has of oneself. Identity building is at its peak, which is why it is timely to start developing healthy habits in adolescents. How to do ?

Adolescents often face the following dilemma: “I’m not a child anymore, but I’m not an adult either, what can I do?” “. This question can undoubtedly lead to many possible answers. Therefore, as parents, we must be attentive to provide them with the tools necessary for their well-being. Here we will give you some recommendations.

Tips for parents of teenagers

Adolescence, depending on age, is divided into three stages: early, middle and late. In each of them,  growth is a key factor that we must pay attention to. It is therefore necessary to create healthy routines to achieve good development. But what aspects should we take into account?

Pay attention to the personality they develop

Each moment of adolescence has emotional characteristics that will be reflected in the personality. As parents, it is essential to be attentive to this because we will be able to channel the preferences of the children vis-à-vis the activities which they like and which promote their well-being.

Plan meals

A key factor for all stages of adolescence is, without a doubt, diet. A good diet is crucial for growth as well as for physical and mental health. This is why it is necessary to plan meals in advance  and, if possible, to consult a nutrition specialist.

Promote recreational activities

Leisure and sport together are as important a supplement for health as diet. Sharing fun activities with teenage girls will help strengthen emotional bonds. In addition, transforming them into a habit will, in the future, enhance positive family memories.

A mother and her teenage daughter.

What healthy habits can we develop in adolescents?

Due to the specific behaviors of adolescents, it seems difficult to develop healthy habits in them. There are, however, some strategies that help facilitate this process. We are now going to explain some of them to you. Do not hesitate to put them into practice!

1. Food

The nutritional value of what adolescents consume is a subject of constant review. Few are used to consuming fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, even  though they are vital for strengthening the immune system. If you have teenage children, the following recommendations may be helpful:

  • Once you know what their favorite fruits are,  keep as much of them at home as possible and make them visible. That way, at snack time, they will be close at hand. Fruits are good allies because they can quickly negate the need for sweets.
  • Make sure teens don’t skip breakfast. This first meal of the day is essential for obtaining energy and nutrients. If you choose quality foods, breakfast can be very healthy. Adolescents, however, tend to neglect it and choose to replace it with unhealthy foods.
  • Other good supplements for their nutrition are foods like nuts and seeds. Since they keep easily, they can take them with them during their daily activities to consume them at any time.
  • We must also encourage the consumption of water and healthy drinks. So it’s always a good idea to make sure they have a water bottle on hand. Also be careful that they do not consume too many sugary drinks or soda. The latter, in particular, can cause serious health consequences.

2. Emotional Stability Among Healthy Habits In Adolescents

Changes in the body during adolescence can be the cause of insecurities that often manifest in the form of stress, anxiety or fluctuating mood. In order to avoid these emotional states, it is ideal that you can involve them in activities and conversations that allow them to develop their security. You should also let them enjoy moments of relaxation with their friends.

3. Sport and physical activity

There are currently a lot of alternatives for exercising. Finding one that will suit their tastes won’t be difficult. This is one of the main habits that you can develop in adolescents because, in the medium and long term, it is essential to take care of their health.

Here are some simple activities:

  • Walk or jog.
  • Sports (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.).
  • Home exercise routines.
  • Bike rides.
  • Sports halls.

A teenage girl who plays sports.

4. Social life among healthy habits among adolescents

Adolescents, by living with other young people, put into practice many of the values ​​and habits they learn at home as they begin to make their own decisions. They must therefore be guaranteed a possibility of interaction with their friends and, in general, in their social life. This goes a long way in teaching them to be independent from their parents.

5. Adequate rest

Rest is another factor that you cannot overlook in teens. Doing it properly will allow their minds to deal well with activities related to the development of their knowledge.

It is therefore good to provide them with a personal and comfortable space at home, where they can sleep, take naps and practice activities that require concentration and silence.

Developing healthy habits in adolescents is the responsibility of parents

Parents have a responsibility to develop healthy habits in adolescents; for that,  there is nothing better than the example. It is therefore important that the whole family engage in physical activities, eat well and do activities that contribute to physical and mental well-being.

It is important to provide the spaces and conditions necessary for young people to have a healthy lifestyle. Finally, we must not forget that support and accompaniment are fundamental during this stage.

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