5 Steps To Forgive And Move Forward

In order to be able to continue with our lives and enjoy it fully we must learn to forgive and heal what made us suffer in the past.

Forgiveness is not easy. When you start to leave behind what caused you pain, then you will begin to heal yourself. You will feel happy that you no longer carry with you the wounds or the traces of the evils that have been inflicted on you.

It is enough to have suffered from it once. Why continue to wear them and give them the importance they don’t deserve? It is not enough to have already lived and supported them at the given moment, to continue to evoke the pain and the pain which they caused?

Make up your mind to heal once and for all. This takes courage, love and understanding. We give you 5 steps to continue.

  1. Recognize that the lack of forgiveness affects your life

You have to accept and understand that this person has hurt you and that it is actually affecting you. Recognize that if you decide to forgive it is because you deserve it. It’s not about someone who hurt you, it’s about you and your well-being.

Not forgiving affects our life.

By accumulating these wounds you will only succeed in being in a bad mood, bitter, and with a lot of resentment. You have to be able to work with your feelings in some way for forgiveness to be true.

You will thus be able to no longer have any pressure.

Above all else, stay calm, to eliminate anger and manage your stress. Try to think of something that makes you feel better.

Don’t deny the situation, and don’t run away from it. Try to face it and give real value to the offense, without the emotional burdens you may have experienced in the past.

2. Think about whether you really want to continue without forgiving.

This step is very important. You have to analyze and visualize well whether you want to continue or leave the subject behind and engage with yourself.

Remember that to forgive is not to forget, for there are stories you will not forget.

On the other hand, make sure that they don’t interfere with your life and that she lets you live in the present without any type of resentment.

Forgiveness is not meant to help the other person. It will serve you to improve your life, it is in this that it is essential.

You are the sole master of your actions. As responsible for your decisions, you should not let the person who hurt you take power over you.

Choosing the less painful path and overcoming obstacles doesn’t mean you have to get back with that person or justify what they did.

Forgiveness involves taking away the power to continue to hurt you and leaving it behind.

3. Express what you are feeling

It is essential to release your feelings and express how you feel to the person who has hurt you. This does not mean that you have to face it, because a bigger problem might arise. Remember that whatever you do, you do it for yourself.
Before speaking with this person, you must first clarify your ideas and think carefully about what you are going to say.

Try not to keep anything to yourself, until somehow you feel relieved. Say why you feel bad or write down everything that happens to you: your anger, your anger, your sadness.

It doesn’t matter if you overdo it: the important thing is to feel that you are expressing all your pain. This letter, you do not necessarily send it to the person who made you suffer. This letter will be for you, to relieve your pain, then you can keep it or burn it.
You must not underestimate yourself. It is very important that you realize that you deserve to be treated with respect. Recognize and express all the negative aspects towards this person in this way.

4. Accept your flaws

Very harmful emotions are hidden within you , the cause of which is found in not knowing how to forgive in time. Like humiliation, sadness, rejection and disappointment. It is important that you accept it and try to put yourself in the shoes of the one who has hurt you.

Cry to forgive afterwards.

Sometimes we judge in excess and do not realize that we would have done the same thing under the same circumstances. It might not be something you want to do, but it is necessary.

Don’t keep anything and don’t question any situation. Visualize other circumstances in which you have felt the same things, and think about whether these actions or facts really deserve the importance you give them.

You don’t need to share his values, his opinions, his way of thinking or feeling. This does not mean that you are trying to justify yourself. You just have to understand that people are more than their actions and that sometimes they are wrong.

5. To forgive, let the situation go.

Motivate yourself. Go ahead and don’t look behind. You should know that forgiving does not happen overnight.

In reality, it is a process which takes its time and which must be assimilated. The time it takes to wrap it all up depends on each individual.

Only you know how much time you need to move on and forget everything that has happened. Don’t hang on to negative feelings and welcome forgiveness.

You just need to come face to face with that person and say “I forgive you”. Then you will feel that everything is improving and that you feel more free.

Remember that forgiving is a process that will keep you going and moving forward without any act or person affecting your future relationships or your present.

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