5 Salt Substitutes For A Low Sodium Diet

Do you find it hard to give up salt? Test the following substitutes and try to adapt to this change.

How much salt do you eat per day? Even though salt itself is not a harmful food, when you eat too much salt it can affect your health. Therefore, it is good to consider salt substitutes in a low sodium diet.

The troubles associated with excess salt are endless. It ranges from blood pressure issues to electrolyte imbalances.

In this article, we’ll tell you about solutions that meet requirements that you and your doctor will appreciate. They are natural, tasty, versatile and above all inexpensive.

We know that whatever reason you want to forgo salt, you still want to keep eating tasty, easy-to-prepare meals.

1. Garlic and onion

The first two of salt substitutes for a low sodium diet are two classics in every kitchen. You can eat them alone, grilled, natural or well cooked and you will easily forget about the salt.

If you have used onion and garlic as just any food until now, give them a chance to become the focus of your diet.

An interesting option is onion salt or garlic salt. To prepare them, just let the garlic or onion dry in the sun and powder them. You can then keep them in your old salt shaker or in a glass jar.

Aren’t you ready to give up salt altogether? Just add a pinch to the garlic or onion powder to enhance the flavors. If you prefer a different taste, also try the caramelized garlic or onion. They are also perfect for salads and meats.

If this versatility doesn’t seem like a good enough reason, you should know that these two foods also regulate cholesterol levels.

2. Herbs and spices

herbs and spices are salt substitutes for a low sodium diet

Spices and herbs are other salt substitutes for a low sodium diet that are easy to adopt. In this list you can find all kinds of possibilities for all tastes, for example:

  • Cumin
  • Basil
  • Cloves
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Coriander
  • Rosemary

The great advantage of herbs and spices is that they are very economical. In case you want to save even more, grow them in your own garden.

Most of them only need a small, replanted root for them to develop without problems. If you can’t do it, you can also find the necessary seeds in large markets and garden centers.

Do you already use spices regularly and don’t think they can replace salt? Experiment by increasing the amounts used and creating unusual or new mixtures.

3. Lemon juice

lemon juice as a substitute for salt

The third of the salt substitutes for a low sodium diet is the convenient and delicious lemon juice. In general, it is a juice widely used as a substitute by those who wish to lose weight.

However, it can also work as a salt substitute. Among its advantages we can mention the following:

  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Gives a fresh taste to food
  • Gives a different flavor to vegetables and meats
  • Adapts to almost any food

We understand that you can be a little bored with the taste of lemon. You can therefore replace it with orange, tangerine, lime or grapefruit juice. You can also make sauces or dressings with these juices.

4. Vinegar as a substitute for salt

An alternative to lemon juice and other citrus fruits is vinegar. It’s one of the best salt substitutes for a low sodium diet, if you want something acidic. You can take the opportunity to prepare yourself:

  • Marinated meats
  • Dressings for salad
  • Sauces

You can test the different types of vinegar. Try all the versions you can get hold of until you find the combinations you like best.

Some interesting alternatives are: balsamic vinegar, rice vinegar, white vinegar, cider vinegar or white or red wine.

5. Spicy oils as salt substitutes

Our last suggestion of salt substitutes for a low sodium diet are spicy oils. Although you can find several presentations in stores, we recommend that you prepare these oils at home.

This way, you can make sure that you are consuming only healthy products. To do this, simply mix the spice of your choice with extra virgin olive oil.

What other salt substitutes for a low sodium diet have you thought about? Which ones do you prefer?

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