5 Reasons Why You Are Not Ready To Have Children

Before considering having children, we must ask ourselves a series of questions, because motherhood is synonymous of happiness, but also of renouncing and sacrificing many things.

Usually, such a delicate subject like having children is not something that everyone can talk about.

Especially because the opinions of others are completely divided when you consider education, background, culture, and even religion.

The issue of children is a subject that concerns everyone. However, it cannot be approached with all people in the same way. Right now, some people still have very rigid positions with ethics and morals that have huge repercussions.

Therefore, everyone should think about this topic individually and seriously.

If you have a stable partner, share your thoughts and thoughts in a pleasant, argument-free discussion. This will help to agree on the subject and eventually reach an agreement.

Also, having a slight antipathy towards having children can create a major problem. Especially if the person with whom we share our life plans to have their own child in the near or distant future.

However, this way of thinking is not enough as a valid reason to avoid having children or getting pregnant.

With that in mind, in this article we are going to present a series of arguments, some deep and some less so, that indicate that you are not ready to be parents.

Reasons for not having children

1. You like tranquility

It is clear that all people are different and, despite many things that may unite us, we all have differing opinions.

This is what happens with tranquility. Although it is a holistic concept, tranquility is normally experienced differently for each type of person.

  • If you are like the people who associate quiet with silence and calm, having children may not be appropriate.
  • This reason is undoubtedly a valid reason. On the other hand, it reaffirms that you don’t want a constantly crying child at home.

In short, peace is not negotiable, at least in this situation.

2. You like to read

When it comes to reading, the best way to practice it is in peace. Therefore, this reason is closely related to the previous one.

In general terms, those who love a good book are looking for quiet and pleasant spaces.

An ideal example is that of the library, in which, as a strict and universal rule, the most absolute silence is demanded, and the bigger the better.

In this case, it is very difficult for a child, especially a baby, to contribute to the silence or stillness that allows the books to be enjoyed the way you want.

If this is your case, it might be best to wait.

3. You have no affinity with children

sign that you are not ready to have children

When you read this reason, it seems obvious that there is no greater reason to avoid having a child.

It is clear that if one simply does not feel any form of empathy towards these little beings, it is best not to have any.

This reason does not affirm any aversion towards them. Many people simply and clearly feel a little intimidated by their presence.

For example: when a parent gives us babysitting, we don’t know how to entertain or talk to them. In conclusion, there is no chemistry.

So it is quite possible that having your own child is not the most appropriate.

4. Pregnancy causes anxiety

Of course, these are other people who are pregnant, since we have never been. When it comes to the gestation state of other women, the environment tends to respond tenderly and protectively.

However, if it causes the opposite effect, it is possible that pregnancies are not the most desired, let alone having a dependent child.

Beyond this kind of problem, it can cause a certain degree of anguish and worry; imagining yourself this way is not ideal, and so it is an obvious reason to avoid having a child.

5. Your finances are not stable

children and the costs that this entails, saving parents

There is also the possibility of being perfectly happy having children and being a good mother. It is even possible to have more than one child and to feel fulfilled.

However, there are some things that can hinder this wonderful dream. The economy is one of the reasons why many families are unable to thrive around the world.

When the financial situation is not stable, it becomes much more complex to conceive and, although there are many exceptions, life is not easy for those who decide to be parents.

Therefore, it is more than safe to state that even if one wishes to have his own child it is better to establish a decent economy to raise him with all that that entails.

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