5 Quick Tips To Remove Tartar From The Toilet

Even if they are not harmful, it is always better to put on gloves and a mask before using products to clean the toilet, in order to to avoid irritation.

The toilets are the part of the household that we use the most during the day and it is therefore essential to clean and disinfect them very often, to also fight against tartar.

We like them to be clean and without bad smells, because it helps harmonize the place and relax us when we use it.

But, due to the accumulation of genes, moisture and other substances that are in contact with its surface, it is common that there are tartar stains, which are very difficult to remove.

This problem, characterized by a yellowish or brown coloration, results from the build-up of calcium and other minerals present in the water.

While the industry offers a wide variety of chemicals to minimize its appearance, many advise against their use because of the environmental impact it entails.

The good news is that there are ecological solutions that, made with natural ingredients, help to remove it, without affecting the environment or health.

In this article, we want to share 5 cool tips with you to help you keep the toilet clean.

1. White vinegar and lemon

The mixture of white vinegar and lemon is the natural disinfectant par excellence which, for decades, has been the ecological alternative for cleaning the surfaces of the house.

In this case, it is extremely useful as the natural acids in both ingredients easily break down toilet scale deposits.

Its application significantly reduces stains and thus removes microorganisms that cause bad odors.


  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Put the lemon juice in half a cup of white vinegar and rub the mixture vigorously on the areas you want to clean.
  • Depending on the type of stain, you can use an abrasive sponge or sandpaper to make your job easier.

2. Coca-cola and baking soda

It is likely that you have already used cola to unclog the pipes in your home.

What you may not know is that its components can also be mixed with other products to remove scale and stains that form on the surface of the toilet.


  • 1 can of coca-cola (330 ml)
  • 1 cup of white vinegar (250 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)


  • On the clean toilet, pour the Coke, making sure to put it wherever there is tartar.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes and rub.
  • Then add the white vinegar and baking soda for an effervescent effect.
  • Wait an additional 15 minutes, scrub with a brush and rinse.

3. Borax

Borax against tartar.

Considered an excellent cleaning agent, borax is a useful substance for sanitizing and whitening toilets.

Even if it is a little more aggressive than the previous ingredients, it does not cause a strong impact on the environment, nor does it disseminate volatile components harmful to health.


  • 1 cup of white vinegar (250 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered borax (40 g)
  • 1 liter of hot water


  • Spray the white vinegar on the surface of the toilet and let it act for 20 minutes.
  • Scrub with a brush and add the spoonfuls of powdered borax immediately.
  • Be sure to use gloves and a mask when handling these ingredients, in order to avoid accidents.
  • Once 15 minutes have elapsed, add a liter of hot water and remove the impurities with a sponge.

4. Pumice stone against tartar

Even though pumice stone is distinguished by its ability to remove dead skin, it is also very useful in removing stains that form in the toilet.

Its abrasive power attacks the pie and gives a more hygienic appearance to the surface of the toilet.

How to do ?

  • Moisten the pumice stone with a little lukewarm water and rub it on the areas where tartar is present.
  • Avoid using dry stone as it could scratch the surface of the toilet.
  • Moisten it as soon as necessary to facilitate the work.

5. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

A paste made with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be very helpful in making this task easier.

The two ingredients provide a natural rinsing of surfaces and provide disinfectant effects for a complete cleaning.


  • 1/2 cup of baking soda (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (20 ml)
  • The juice of one lemon (optional)

How to do ?

  • Moisten the baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and use the resulting paste to clean the toilet stains.
  • Rub them with a cloth or an abrasive sponge, and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing.
  • Optionally, you can add the juice of one lemon for a more powerful whitening effect.

If you are having trouble removing tartar from your toilet, choose one of these methods and follow the instructions to get rid of the problem.

The results will amaze you!

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