5 Natural Face Masks For A Radiant Face

Face masks, a natural method, quick and easy to perform in a few minutes, for fresh and radiant skin.

When you look at yourself in a mirror, what do you say about the appearance of your face? If you were to leave for a night out in a few minutes, would you be confident in your appearance? The reality is that very few of us would answer “yes” to this question.

Therefore, we want to share with you these natural face mask recipes so that you have a radiant face at all times.

There are natural facial treatments that, applied regularly, nourish the face, fight dryness and solve acne problems.

And you will finally be able to enjoy those moments when you show off a radiant face with perfect makeup, and without doing a lot of prior treatments.

If you recognize yourself in this situation, I invite you to try the following masks:

1. Chamomile and papaya mask a face

Chamomile is a great aid in detoxifying the skin, while papaya exfoliates and hydrates.


  • ¼ cup of hot water
  • A handful of chamomile flowers
  • 1 slice of papaya


  • Heat the water over low heat.
  • Remove it from the heat when it is at a high temperature, but not boiling.
  • Then add the chamomile flowers in a glass bowl and pour the hot water.
  • Then let the infusion cool for 10 minutes.
  • Place the chamomile infusion in a blender with the papaya slice.
  • Then mix until you get a paste.


  • Apply the paste to the face using a brush.
  • Cover your face with a damp cloth or towel.
  • Then let it sit for 10 minutes.

2. Oatmeal mask

Oats are an incredibly valuable food and contribute to health. We recommend using oatmeal masks not only for the face, but also for the body and hair.

The other two ingredients in this mask are honey and ice. Honey gives an incredible glow, while ice softens wrinkles and tightens the skin. And of course, oatmeal serves as an exfoliant.


  • ½ cup of water
  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 ice cube


  • Pass the water, oats and honey in a blender or food processor.


  • Apply to face, evenly, using a brush or sponge.
  • Then leave on for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the mask using warm water.
  • Spread the ice all over your face to close the pores.

3. Tomato mask

Don’t have chamomile or oatmeal on hand? But surely you have a little tomato in the kitchen.

In this case, you are in luck because, apart from being an easy to prepare and very nutritious food, the tomato is an excellent bleaching and bacteria killing agent.


  • 1 tomato


  • If the tomato is cooked, remove the pulp with your hands. If it is a little green, crush the pulp with a spoon or with a food processor.


  • Apply it directly to the face.
  • Leave to rest for 5 minutes.
  • Then rinse it off with cool water.

This mask is one of the best facial recipes to have a radiant face in minutes. In addition, the freshness of the skin obtained is practically immediate. If you decide to apply it frequently, you will notice that the spots begin to gradually disappear.

4. Yogurt mask

This is a great recipe for crafting a lot of facial treatments. The advantage is that yogurt can be used on its own or with other ingredients.

It is an ideal mask for dehydrated, dry or spotty skin.


  • 100 grams of plain yogurt.


  • Place the yogurt in the refrigerator an hour before applying it.
  • Beat the cold yogurt in a glass bowl for 1 minute until it becomes creamy.


  • Apply to face and neck, while the yogurt is cold.
  • Leave to rest for 5 minutes.
  • Then rinse it off with cool water.

For best results with this mask, temperature is essential; Moreover, the colder the yogurt, the better the results in terms of radiance and freshness of the skin.

5. Banana, honey and yogurt mask a face

Bananas are considered one of the best natural moisturizers ; a real gift from Mother Nature. And its action is immediate.

So enjoy every banana you have at home. The most recommended for preparing this mask are ripe bananas.


  • 1 peeled banana
  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • Mash the banana until you get a smooth paste.
  • Add the yogurt and honey to a glass bowl, then beat the mixture vigorously. You can also mix everything together in a blender, for a faster result.


  • Cleanse the skin.
  • Then apply the mask.
  • Leave to rest for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with cool water.

Additional tips for applying masks

In order for these masks to provide you with the expected results in terms of effects on the skin, it is important to take into account the following:

  • Apply the masks on clean skin. Although some of the masks are exfoliating, the action will be faster if you wash your face first with water and a mild soap.
  • Prepare the masks at the last moment. And avoid leaving them out for more than two hours. If you leave them for longer, some of the ingredients may lose their properties, making them less effective.

Use fresh produce. Ideally, you should choose good quality products. In the case of papaya or banana, you can choose them with a certain degree of ripeness, without being damaged, of course.

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