5 Hot Drinks To Relieve Menstrual Pain

Pain from the menstrual period can become very bothersome and even disabling. Therefore, we present to you five drinks that will help you manage it better.

Menstruation normally occurs once a month. Unfortunately, for most women, pain, cramps and discomfort are normal. However, you should know that there are certain methods for relieving menstrual pain, such as hot drinks.

True, it is recommended to follow a healthy diet. Also, avoid caffeine during menstruation, as it can cause anxiety and retain water. In addition to avoiding coffee, we can use another series of drinks with beneficial effects on the health of women. Teas will be your great allies.

Hot drinks to relieve menstrual pain

Although, in most cases, women resort to pain relievers to reduce period pain, it can be relieved naturally. Indeed, we present to you a list of the best hot drinks to relieve menstrual pain.

Chamomile tea

chamomile tea for menstrual pain

Chamomile tea is the first hot drink on our list for soothing those aches. You should know that it contains two compounds, hippurate and glycine. These can help relax the uterus and spasmodic contractions due to its excellent properties. Additionally, chamomile has unique anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce discomfort.

To brew chamomile tea, you need a cup of hot water and a bag of chamomile tea for 10 minutes. Then remove the tea bag and add lemon juice or honey.

We recommend that you drink two cups a day for the week before your period. In fact, research confirms that chamomile contains many terpenoids and flavonoids with anti-inflammatory effects.

Ginger tea

ginger tea for menstrual pain

Second, ginger tea is another ingredient that can work wonders during your period.

Like the one with chamomile, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it can therefore help relieve painful cramps as chamomile plays a key role in reducing the level of prostaglandins.

Additionally, ginger can help ease the nausea, upset stomach, and general discomfort that may accompany your period.

You can increase your intake of ginger by adding it to your soups or smoothies. However, we believe that ginger tea tastes better when consumed on its own. In addition, it also helps to regulate irregular periods and to fight against the associated fatigue.

Cinnamon tea

Third, we present to you the cinnamon tea. Indeed, it has anti-inflammatory properties. We are convinced that it will help you relieve your period cramps.


  •  1 cup of water (250 ml)
  •  1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)


  • Heat a cup of water, add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and let it soak for about 2-3 minutes.
  • If it’s convenient for you, you can add honey to the mixture and consume it three times a day on the first day of your period.

Mint flavored tea

Mint tea is another great option. Indeed, its consumption helps calm the stomach and helps fight against swelling. Its calming and numbing effect makes it useful for treating menstrual cramps, as well as headaches and gastrointestinal issues. You can drink 4 to 5 cups of this tea every day. Numerous studies have confirmed that mint relaxes the uterine muscles, reducing the spasms that cause the cramps. In addition, it is a very tasty tea. We recommend that you take it a week before your period.

Raspberry leaf tea

Finally, we advise you to drink raspberry leaf tea to relieve menstrual pain. Although this tea is one of the more unusual varieties, it is very tasty. On the other hand, it has the potential to help reduce pain during the menstrual period.

In addition, raspberry leaf tea has anti-inflammatory properties. This is why it can therefore be useful in combating stomach pain and preventing constipation.

Finally, remember that our list of hot drinks for period pain relief includes natural remedies that can be very helpful, although there are many more available.

We are confident that you will find the hot drink that is right for you and that will soothe your period pain!

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