5 Fundamental Strategies For Managing Nerves

Realizing that there are aspects of our life that we cannot control will be a great help in managing nerves and avoiding unnecessary worries.

At certain times of the year (eg December) or in life (before a wedding, moving house, etc.) it is normal to feel anxious and nervous. Is it possible to be able to enjoy a “vacation mode” state of mind at any time? We recommend the following strategies for managing your nerves.

Why is it easier to be nervous than to stay calm?

Even if we don’t want to, life always seems to want to upset us. We are always stressed, irritable, angry with everyone …

The daily hustle and bustle does not allow us to calm down. Or to stop for a minute to think, slow down the revolutions and our heartbeats. The only time we can really rest is during the holidays.

And sometimes we don’t even get there, because two weeks is too little time to completely free us from the stress accumulated during the year.

Perhaps you were able to manage your nerves while you were by the sea. But the first day you come back to “real life” you find that there is still a calm between the waves and the sand.

It is true that our mind is restless and needs to explore continually. But from there to not being able to sleep or getting excited with everyone, there is a long way to go.

This is why it is essential to know how to manage your nerves in all possible situations. Whether it’s an exam, a job interview, a device failure, a delay at work due to a problem in the metro or an increase in the electricity bill.

Tips for managing nerves

Even if you think it’s okay to always be under pressure, it’s not good for your mental and physical health. That’s why now more than ever you need to learn to manage your nerves and anxiety.

Try to apply the following tips:

1. Identify what makes you nervous

strategies for dealing with nerves: identify what makes you nervous

Your boss talks to you in an obnoxious way or asks you to perform impossible tasks. Your colleagues do not agree on the working methods. Traffic is more and more chaotic in the city where you live.

Once you identify the things that get on your nerves, it will be easier for you to deal with them.

  • You know meeting your boss is going to be a stressful situation. So you can try to go there open to discussion or ready to find a solution.
  • So that traffic jams on the freeway are not a problem, take a different route or leave the house earlier.

2. Breathe

Compared to the previous point, a good technique for dealing with anxiety or calming the nerves is to be able to breathe in a conscious manner. What does that mean? That you can control how air comes in and out of your lungs.

You may not have noticed it, but when we are too stressed, breathing becomes shallower, choppy, and difficult.

At this time, if we close our eyes and inhale deeply several times in a row, we can control certain emotions. This is perfect for avoiding a discussion or a sentence that you might regret later.

  • Conscious or deep breathing tells the brain that all is well and that it does not have to worry.
  • We also recommend that you do not wait until a stressful situation occurs to start breathing easier, but make it a habit. It will make you more serene.

3. Put the pressure aside

strategies for dealing with nerves: put the pressure aside

Sometimes nerves appear when you demand too much of yourself. We hope that everything will be perfect and it robs us of sleep and peace. We don’t accept failure or mistakes, and maybe that’s why we can’t be quiet.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we should avoid doing our best. But it does mean that we have to accept that sometimes things don’t work out the way we expect.

Instead of asking yourself the question: “what could go wrong”? Change to “what could get better”? Even in the face of bad news or experiences, we can find wisdom and teaching there.

4. Don’t worry about what you can’t handle

There is an Arabic saying that goes: “If the problem has a solution, why are you worried? And if the problem doesn’t have a solution, why are you worried? ”

There are a lot of events that we don’t have the power to change, improve, or control. And paradoxically, they are the ones that make us the most nervous.

If it rains on your wedding day, if there is a traffic accident, or if your coworker gets sick before an important meeting, it’s a fluke and you have to learn how to deal with it in the best way.

This will relieve you of the pressure and allow you to enjoy a little more.

You want to know more ? Essential oils to feel soothed

5. Get closer to nature

gis strategy to manage nerves: get closer to nature

Sit in a park. Go to the countryside and listen to the birds sing. Walking along the seashore. These are all more than recommended activities to control the nerves.

Contact with nature has an almost “magical” and inexplicable effect.

Maybe because nature allows us to come back to a more pure and true state, or because it is an encounter with Mother Earth. The truth is, these famous out-of-town “getaways” recharge our batteries in an impressive way.

Walks in the forest or in the mountains, walks near creeks and cliffs and overnight stays in places where there is no light or hearing pollution are essential to avoid feeling nervous.

You can take advantage of the weekends and not just wait until the holidays to take advantage of this great advantage.

Main image © wikiHow.com

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