4 Tips To Stop Complaining

You should know that the complaint is precisely what prevents us from moving forward and achieving our goals, because it is very heavy to carry and we do used to.

Complaining is a habit that many people adopt and which is very difficult to break.

Why ? Because the idea of ​​being a victim of circumstances is very tempting.

Not to take our responsibilities in the face of what happens to us, not to take measures vis-à-vis situations that do not appeal to us and invite complaints.

But bad humor, anger, nervousness and unhappiness will become constant in our life.

To get out of this spiral of complaints, it is essential to take into account these 4 tips that will help you feel better about yourself and take matters into your own hands when life takes a tough turn.

1. Farewell to the complaint, on the march!

The complaint has a peculiarity: it is passive. With it, we get nowhere and we do not solve anything.

Complaining allows us to see ourselves as victims who do nothing to change what is happening to them. For example, when faced with a project that has not been solved, we complain. But we can also choose another path.

Instead of letting ourselves be carried away by the ease of the complaint, we can welcome all of these feelings and emotions that come over us, and take them as impulses to take another path or learn from what we have done.

We cannot remain indifferent to a situation that is unraveling or that does not go as planned. Dreaming is free, but if you don’t make your dreams come true, it will cost you dearly.

Stop complaining and get involved. It’s time to let go of those wailing thoughts and start taking action.

2. Never reject what happens to us

drawing of a wolf woman

We tend to reject what happens to us and what we don’t like. This is the easiest path that leads us to the complaint.

But there are some situations that we cannot change. For example, having made a mistake in the past is something that cannot be changed.

Are we going to complain about this? Are we going to continue to complain in the present for a past we can never access?

To do this is to waste time and exhaust energies that we could be spending on something much more useful. 

Let’s learn to accept what is happening to us. We can learn from anything that will make us better. We just have to scratch a little. Shall we start now?

3. Let’s be courageous, let’s be responsible

The spiral of complaint avoids taking responsibility for what happens to us. It is much easier to blame others for our misfortunes. 

Unfortunately, most of the things that happen to us are our responsibility. Even if others misbehave with us, the decision to continue to allow this and take action is ours.

It is not about changing others. Nor is it about believing in a God who is renounced when a loved one dies or we fall apart.

Let us take responsibility for the consequences of our actions and act intelligently in the face of what we cannot change in a human way. Let us be courageous to face any difficulty that affects us, like everyone else.

4. Communicate with the complaint

the complaint which is unproductive

What makes you complaining? Is it a pleasant or an unpleasant feeling? It is probably not a good feeling, even if it is about manipulating others.

When the complaint is present, we should take action. One of them is to talk to her, ask her what she is doing there and what her motivation is.

We should do this with nervousness, anger, envy and many other emotions that cause us problems in everyday life.

Maybe you will find that you are complaining to get attention or that you need to blame others because you don’t want to take responsibility for your decisions. Maybe you are using it to manipulate others because you need to take control.

Whatever the reason the complaint entered your life, it’s important to be aware that it doesn’t have to stay there for very long.

It will only make you fragile, victim and passive in the face of situations which are in your hands and which are taking a new rhythm. It’s all about a change of perspective.

So, are you ready to say goodbye to the unproductive complaint?

Main image © wikiHow.com

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