4 Tips To Relieve Irritable Bowel

To relieve irritable bowel and avoid more serious problems we must increase the consumption of soluble fiber and water. It is also recommended to make several small meals instead of the three main ones.

Suffering from irritable bowel has become as common as it is of concern. Here we are going to show you how to relieve irritable bowel.

The pain caused by this disease can be so bad that it is often necessary to go to the nearest hospital.

The current bad eating habits have made this problem proliferate. If you have suffered from these ailments, now is the time to eliminate fast food from your life.

Moreover, if we follow the advice in this article, we will see that the troubles will stop being a problem in no time.

1. Increase your intake of soluble fiber for irritable bowel relief

relieve irritable bowel with soluble fiber

Soluble fiber helps the intestine because it strengthens the lining that covers it.

They also help eliminate components that could be harmful and regulate the consistency of the stool, making it easier to control constipation.

For all of these reasons, soluble fiber is great for preventing irritable bowel disease.

Note that you need to know what foods are for irritable bowel relief.

If you choose wrong and consume insoluble or insoluble fiber, you can worsen the negative effects of irritable bowel.

Insoluble fiber causes gas, diarrhea, and even abdominal pain.

Among the foods that contain soluble fiber, we find:

  • Cereals (oats, barley)
  • Seeds
  • Dried vegetables
  • Fruits (orange, apple, mango, prunes)
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Tubers

If you are not used to eating these foods, gradually incorporate them into your diet until you get used to their flavor.

2. Watch the portions

relieve irritable bowel by limiting portions

Many people eat until they feel completely full, regardless of how much food they swallow.

This bad habit comes from childhood, when our parents forced us to finish our plate and thus not be punished. However, this is not the best thing to do.

You need to understand that the reason for eating is to give your body all the nutrients it needs to be able to work properly.

This doesn’t mean that eating more will help.

The point is, when we eat until we are full, we force our digestive system to work harder. This results in extra strain on the colon which causes fatigue and strain which causes irritable bowel.

For this, if you want to relieve irritable bowel, you need to decrease your portions if you eat too much. Start by eliminating 10% of your daily servings first. This will help you get used to eating the bare essentials.

In case you’re having trouble limiting the amount of food or if you feel tired and low on energy, see a nutritionist.

It will help you incorporate the foods you need to meet your needs without affecting the health of your colon.

3. Take natural infusions

Mint and angelica are two herbal teas that will go a long way in relieving irritable bowel disease.

  • Angelica infusion is a drink that has antispasmodic properties. It thus brings a feeling of relief when intestinal spasms are felt.
  • Mint is well known for its digestive properties. In addition, it allows intestinal cramps and muscle pain to decrease considerably.

In addition, mint aids digestion and eliminates gas.

A good habit is to take these infusions immediately after eating.

Check out this article:

What are the effects on your body of consuming green tea daily?

4. Recommendations that will help you relieve irritable bowel disease

green tea to relieve irritable bowel

Helping our body relieve irritable bowel disease seems like a complicated task.

All of the advice we give you might leave you a little skeptical, but it’s not easy to cook with so many restrictions. However, the secret is in the details.

You may feel like you are going to have to make a complete change in the way you live. For this, we are going to give you some pointers that will help you start the path to improving your colon.

  • Chew your food enough and give your body time to digest what it is eating.
  • Don’t sleep right after eating, as this simply delays your digestion.
  • Cut down on hot and fatty foods. Try with natural and steamed or grilled condiments.
  • Do not consume more than one cup of coffee per day. If you need energy, consume green tea and benefit from all of its antioxidants.
  • Eat several small meals a day with less calories.


The ideal is to eat three large and balanced meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two light snacks that provide energy without too many extra calories.

  • Cut down on cereals because even if they are healthy, they are a source of gas.

Take note of all of these tips to prevent or relieve any problem with your colon. Take the necessary precautions now to prevent serious complications in the future.

Do not ignore this advice, because lack of care can sometimes lead to colon cancer.

Main image © wikiHow.com

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