4 Dietary Rules To Help You Quit Smoking

To quit smoking, willpower is essential. But we can also rely on outside help that will allow us to overcome the urge to light a cigarette.

Quitting smoking is a complex process, which each person has to face in their own way. Some prefer to take it gradually, while others suddenly stop smoking without ever touching it again.

It is far from an easy task. To achieve this, you must become aware of all the benefits that it can have for you.

You must have an iron will to lead a healthier life. But you also need to adopt different eating habits, which will help you reach your goal.

We also advise you to rely on the support of those around you, but also to control the triggers that prompt you to light a cigarette.

Quitting smoking takes a lot of effort, but it’s worth the effort. But this will not only allow you to gain health, but also well-being.

Quitting tobacco: the tips you need to take into account

When we decide to take the plunge and quit smoking, there are several things we need to consider.

One of them is that our brains are going to be hungry for nicotine. The absence of this substance in our body will cause what is called abstinence syndrome. In fact, it is something that every smoker experiences 20 minutes after a cigarette.

Every smoker knows that the most critical moment is the first hour of the day, when he wakes up after going 7 to 9 hours without smoking. The physical changes are evident: increased heart rate, blood pressure, dry mouth, anxiety and appetite.

As soon as you stop smoking, the levels of carbon monoxide and nicotine will drop dramatically in your body. This is when the brain orders the body to repair the damage caused by smoking to the heart and lungs.

Noticeable changes will appear in the first 3 weeks after stopping.

So this is the most complicated step. It is at this crucial moment that we must particularly watch our diet. In the rest of this article, we’ll show you how.

quitting smoking: rapid noticeable changes

1. Stop drinking coffee for 1 month

Caffeine stimulates the desire to smoke. It is a natural nicotine activator that should be avoided during the first few weeks when you have to fight against abstinence syndrome.

Here are the drinks you can replace coffee with, among others:

  • Cinnamon tea
  • Licorice infusion
  • Ginger tea
  • Passionflower infusion

Likewise, it is essential to increase your intake of vitamin C to cleanse your lungs. Do not hesitate to prepare fruit salads, with strawberries, oranges, kiwis and mangoes, for example.

2. Eat whole grains

When we stop smoking our blood glucose levels drop. This small hypoglycemia can lead to increased stress and cause some discomfort.

  • If we make the mistake of compensating for this decrease by eating cakes, we will generate in us a strong urge to smoke. It is therefore necessary to choose your food well.
  • A whole grain diet will help keep you from feeling the urge to smoke. This will improve your state of mind and your feeling of fullness, and your body will no longer suffer from hypoglycemia.

Take note of the cereals that should not be missing from your diet if you are trying to quit smoking:

  • Oats
  • Buckwheat
  • Rye bread
  • Spelled bread
  • Rice comple t
  • Red rice
  • Flax seeds

3. Foods that will relax you

There are foods that are able to relax us and relieve the abstinence syndrome that we can suffer from because of nicotine.

Nutritionists call them “Zen” foods. However, we should not be swayed by trendy smoking cessation products.

Try to eat smart by choosing from the foods on the following list:

  • Squash soup
  • A baked turkey fillet with lemon
  • White fish
  • Vegetables (broccoli, raw onion, turnip, carrot, radish, leek, cucumber, celery, chard, tomato)
  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Garlic
  • Beer yeast

4. Warm water with honey

If you are trying to quit smoking, you need to consume plenty of water to flush toxins from your body and to keep you well hydrated.

We recommend a remedy that uses the properties of honey:

  • Drink a cup of lukewarm water with a spoonful of honey twice a day. This depurative and antibacterial remedy allows us to increase our natural defenses, to bring us energy, to take care of our lungs, to relax us and to generate a feeling of satiety.
  • It is a very easy to consume supplement that does not cost anything. In addition, it will make you feel much better.

To conclude on this subject, keep in mind that these tips will only be effective if you are consistent and realize the need to quit smoking for your health.

Also, try to play sports and get involved in new activities. Having a second wind will allow you to practice swimming or sign up for a dance class, activities that will allow you to think about something other than tobacco. The game is worth the candle !

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