30 Iron Rich Foods For Fatigue And Headaches

If you have ever suffered from anemia, you know that this pathology is due to iron deficiency, and that it manifests itself by the following symptoms: fatigue, general weakness, headache, bad mood, hair loss, etc.

We must keep in mind that iron is a mineral that allows the blood to be able to carry oxygen to all the organs of the body, which guarantees their optimal functioning.

Calcium prevents the correct absorption of iron by our body. To be in good shape, it is therefore useful to know how to combine these two elements which are so important for our health.

When our body is lacking in iron, which is especially common in women, we feel a very strange fatigue, and we feel that we are weaker and weaker.

Faced with a lack of oxygen in the blood, the heart is forced to work at an infernal pace, which causes this feeling of very pronounced exhaustion.

However, if you have your blood tested periodically, and increase your intake of iron-rich foods on a daily basis, you should be able to avoid anemia.

We invite you to take note of all the information that we are going to give you in the rest of this article, because we are sure that it will be useful to you!

The importance of knowing how to combine foods rich in iron against fatigue

Iron against fatigue.

According to data from the Spanish Society of Nutrition, there are many foods rich in iron.

However, we must know how to integrate them into our diet so that our body maintains its iron level at the correct level.

If women suffer from anemia more than men, it is because they lose blood, and therefore iron, during their period.

It is interesting to know that the absorption of iron is managed by the small intestine, and that it is always more efficient if the stomach is empty.

There are certain foods that can prevent the correct absorption of iron, which is why it is important to monitor our intake of iron.

Foods to avoid mixing with those that contain iron are :

  • Tea
  • The sound
  • Oats
  • Soy milk
  • Milk

However, we do not recommend that you stop consuming them, just that you do not mix them with foods that contain iron. Or to respect a certain time between your consumption of these two minerals.

So you can include a tea and a bowl of oats in your breakfast, while you consume nut spinach and asparagus for your lunch.

Pay attention to foods rich in calcium, polyphenols, and phytic acid

Foods that prevent the correct absorption of iron generally contain phytic acid, such as wheat flour which reduces the absorption of this essential mineral by 75%.

Polyphenols, especially found in tea, are also among the strongest iron inhibitors found in nature.

The action of calcium on our body is also very complex.

Although many women need this essential mineral to build their bone mass, ingestion has an impact on the action of iron.

This is because calcium blocks the passage of iron into the cells that cover the small intestine. The secret is therefore to learn how to combine foods well.

You can prepare, as we told you previously, a breakfast rich in fiber and calcium to give you energy in the morning.

Then, at lunch or dinner, you can raise your intake of iron, by associating particular vitamin C.

As you already know, fruits like lemon, for example, help us assimilate this mineral much more easily.

We are now going to see which foods are the highest in iron, which you absolutely must include in your diet regularly.

Foods rich in iron to prevent anemia and fatigue

Foods to prevent fatigue.

The first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about foods rich in iron is almost certainly lentils.

If it is proven that legumes are very effective in fighting anemia. It is also interesting to learn how to use them as part of a variety of dishes which, by their content in other foods, will multiply their properties tenfold.

There are spices, natural plants and fruits which are rich in iron, and which will also provide us with vitamin C to allow us to better assimilate this mineral.

To keep your meals from getting too boring, mix broccoli with scampi. Spinach with raisins, pine nuts and pineapple. Or turkey breast with mustard.

There are hundreds of recipes to take care of your health while enjoying your meals.

Take note of the foods richest in iron against fatigue:

  • Clams
  • Broccoli
  • Langoustines
  • Peppers
  • Thyme
  • Laurel
  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Chickpeas
  • Endives
  • Rocket
  • The mustard
  • Cumin
  • Dill
  • Dried oregano
  • Red meat
  • The Basilic
  • The pâté
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Chilli powder
  • The curry
  • Rosemary
  • Black pepper
  • Canned clams
  • Canned sardines
  • Lentils
  • Paprika powder
  • Popcorn
  • Chicken, skinless, grilled
  • White pepper
  • Scallops
  • Blood sausage
  • Eggs
  • Figs
  • Plums
  • Dark chocolate

Orange against fatigue.

We also recommend that you prepare fruit salads to consume them as a dessert. They will bring you a large amount of vitamin C.

Use oranges, kiwis, papayas or mangoes for example.

You can also add these fruits to your dishes, or prepare natural juices against fatigue.

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