3 Smoothies That Kill Intestinal Parasites

Are intestinal parasites making your life difficult? Drink these natural smoothies for a fortnight and you won’t be rid of it!

Most of us suffer from intestinal parasites without knowing it. Symptoms can be gastrointestinal discomfort, anal burns, appetite disturbances, nervousness, etc.

Plus, if you have pets, it’s even easier to catch them.

In this article, we offer you three healthy smoothie recipes to eliminate intestinal parasites. You can drink it every morning for two weeks as a natural anti-parasitic treatment.

A smoothie on an empty stomach

What we eat when we wake up, on an empty stomach, has the greatest effect on our body. Indeed, after a sleep, our body is prepared to assimilate other nutrients.

If you think you have intestinal parasites, we suggest that you take a fortnight cure. Drink each morning, before breakfast, one of the three “medical” smoothies that we detail in this article.

In addition, if you eat breakfast before 7 a.m., this cure will be even more effective. Indeed, according to traditional Chinese medicine, our intestine is at a time of maximum activity. As a result, treatment for intestinal parasites will work even better!

Ingredients to avoid

In all treatments used to eliminate intestinal parasites, you must start by modifying your diet since these pathogens feed, in particular on food.

In these smoothies, we will avoid harmful foods and we advise you to totally banish them during the treatment.

  • Sugars: white sugar, honey or syrups are the favorite foods of parasites. The only natural softener allowed is stevia, which can be used pure or refined.
  • Cow’s milk:  it is not recommended either. You can replace it with vegetable drinks or kefir.
  • Refined flour
  • Fried foods
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Dairy products (creams, whipped cream, ice cream, etc.)

Figs and pumpkin seeds

Figs are delicious fruits that promote and regulate intestinal transit in a natural way.

In this case, they also bring sweetness to the smoothie and avoid having to sweeten it more.

Pumpkin seeds are one of the most widely used ancient remedies for killing parasites and have many other health benefits.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 3 fresh or dried figs. If you are using dried figs, soak them in water for at least 2 hours beforehand.
  • 30 raw and peeled squash seeds, which you will have previously ground.
  • 100 ml (half a glass) of water, natural juice without sugar or vegetable drink.

Figs will help you get rid of intestinal parasites.

Papaya and kefir

Papaya is a tropical fruit beneficial for multiple diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore against parasites.

Kefir is a fermented dairy product that improves the intestinal bacterial flora, essential to fight against parasites.

With these two ingredients, you will have a delicious smoothie with a creamy texture that the whole family will love. If you wish, you can sweeten it lightly with refined stevia.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • 100 g peeled papaya
  • 15 papaya seeds
  • 100 g of kefir. You can make it yourself with goat’s milk, so that it is even easier to digest thanks to its low lactose content.
  • Stevia according to your tastes

Grapefruit and olive oil

This smoothie doesn’t appeal to all palates. However, it is one of the most purifying that we can prepare because, in addition to fighting against parasites, it also helps us to clean our kidneys and our liver.

In addition, grapefruit is a very purifying citrus fruit and its seeds eliminate intestinal parasites, in the same way as papaya.

The extra virgin quality olive oil facilitates the expulsion of pathogens, in addition to containing many beneficial properties for health.

It is true that this smoothie is more therapeutic than pleasant, but you can alternate it with previous recipes, or take it in the evening before going to bed.

Ingredients for a smoothie:

  • A peeled grapefruit, with its seeds
  • A tablespoon (15 g) of extra virgin olive oil

If the blender does not crush the seeds well, you can strain them before drinking the smoothie.

grapefruit to make your smoothie

Images from madlyinlovewithlife, gregoirevdb, stefanvds and robin lee.

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