3 Natural Juices To Help You Burn Fat

If you consume these juices on an empty stomach, they will give you energy and stimulate your metabolism from the first hours of the day to burn even more fats.

To lose weight, there are many methods. Some are more effective than others. But there is a healthy and delicious alternative: natural juices that burn fat.

So, if you don’t have the time or inclination to stick to strict menus to the letter, try these healthy and effective options to win your battle against the pounds.

Fruit and vegetable juices, natural allies for burning fat

The plant kingdom is our best ally when it comes to burning fat.

When mixed in the right way, fruits, vegetables and other plants are ideal ingredients for losing weight while eating things that are palatable and beneficial for the body.

We will give you some recipes here. Remember to wash all ingredients well before putting them in the blender. In addition, whenever possible, get organic products to make these juices.

1. Green tea and pineapple juice

This juice is the best for burning localized fat! Don’t pass up this opportunity to lose weight with this healthy and natural recipe.


  • a spoonful of green tea (10 g)
  • a glass of water (200 ml)
  • a pineapple slice cut into small pieces
  • juice of half a lemon
  • a spoonful of honey (25 g)


  • Heat the water and when it comes to a boil, remove from the heat and add the tea.
  • Let stand until it cools and filter.
  • Pour the liquid into the blender with the rest of the ingredients then mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Take on an empty stomach in the morning. Also consume in the evening, before going to bed.

2. Watermelon, melon and lemon juice

It is a preparation which, in addition to burning fat, offers a large supply of vitamins. It also has great diuretic effects.


  • 4 cups of watermelon (600 g)
  • 1/2 cup melon (75 g)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g) (optional)


  • Mix all the ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous juice, sweeten with honey then take the drink on an empty stomach.

3. Pineapple and celery juice

It is a juice that has very low calories but great diuretic properties. So do not hesitate to integrate it into your diet to lose weight.


  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 3 pineapple rings
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


Mix all the ingredients and consume the preparation immediately, to prevent it from losing its effectiveness. It is recommended to drink it on an empty stomach and every day for 2 weeks.

Benefits of these juices for burning fat

We are now going to detail for you what are the main contributions of each of the main components of these natural juices and ideal for slimming. So take note.

The celery

In addition to having diuretic properties that help us purify the body, celery is a very low calorie vegetable (16 per 100 g).

It is also known for its fiber intake, which makes you feel fuller for longer.


Almost 85% of pineapple is water and in addition to being purifying and hydrating, it brings us great satiety. It is also a laxative, and helps regulate intestinal transit and prevent constipation.

Plus, it has negative calories, which helps with weight loss and regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Green tea

Green tea is widely known for its antioxidant effects and its properties to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It also blocks the absorption of carbohydrates and thus helps us to do away with localized fat.

The watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit rich in water, very diuretic and helps us eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation and bloating. In addition, it is low in calories (30 per 100 g).

The melon

This is another very low calorie fruit (34 per 100g) that helps us avoid fluid retention and has laxative properties.

It is also renowned for its many antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamin C.


  • Natural sweetener that provides energy.
  • Contributes to the destruction of toxins.
  • Contains iron.
  • Promotes cell regeneration.

Tips for consuming these natural juices to burn fat

Any change in diet should be approved or monitored by a healthcare professional.

If no specialist objects to your eating fruits and vegetables, then go for it! But of course, always in a reasoned way!

When in doubt, seek advice from your trusted doctor or nutritionist.

Remember that if you want to burn fat and lose weight, in addition to these juices, you must:

  • Have a balanced diet
  • Do physical activities adapted to your characteristics.
  • Try to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

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