3 Juices That Promote Blood Circulation

According to data from the Spanish Institute of Phlebology, almost 30% of the adult population suffers from symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. Feeling tired or swollen legs, or even having varicose veins, is very common.

How can we promote blood circulation?

Do not worry. In this article, we invite you to discover natural juices gr at which you will feel a real relief.

1. Pineapple, watermelon, cherry and ginger juiceblood flow

First of all, we assure you that this natural juice is as delicious as it is healthy. It is made up of natural elements that fight inflammation, promote blood circulation in the legs and hydrate.

And best of all, cherries like ginger help reduce pain. If you consume a handful of cherries daily, little by little you will eliminate the heaviness in the legs and the classic cramps. It’s incredible !

You should also know that this juice is ideal when returning home. Quite simply because it acts as a moisturizer and as an energy drink capable of refreshing and motivating us.

What do i need?

  • 2 pineapple rings
  • 1 slice of watermelon
  • A glass of water
  • 10 cherries
  • A spoonful of grated fresh ginger

How to do ?

  • To prepare it, just cut the pineapple and watermelon slices. Then remove the cherry stones and put everything in the food processor. Then, boil a cup of water and make  the decoction with the ginger. Once it’s ready, mix the infusion with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Finally, serve it chilled. It will work wonders for improving blood circulation in the legs.

2. Natural grapefruit or pomelo and blackberries juice

Tempting, right? This fresh natural juice is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals which are excellent for promoting blood circulation in the legs.

Grapefruit or pomelo are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, very suitable for our heart health. The benefits of blackberries should not be overlooked either. If you can find them in your usual natural store or in supermarkets, don’t hesitate, buy them!

Blackberries are rich in anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, dark pigments that allow us to strengthen the wall and muscle tone of the veins. A wonder.

And once again, we’ll add ginger to the smoothie, to reduce inflammation and ease pain.

What do i need?

  • A grapefruit or a pomelo
  • A glass of water
  • 10 blackberries
  • A spoon of fresh ginger

How to do ?

  • To prepare this juice, you will need a grapefruit. Extract the juice and bring it to the fire with the ginger and a glass of water. After the decoction, put it in the blender and add the blackberries. Everything must remain homogeneous.
  • Then, drink this fresh juice half an hour before lunch. If you prepare it three times a week, it is ideal for improving blood circulation in the legs. So, what do you think ?

3. Carrot, pineapple, celery and parsley juice

blood flow

It really is very simple. This natural juice is nutritious, purifying and protective. It is made up of basic elements to cleanse your body of toxins, strengthen your veins and facilitate blood circulation.

Do not forget to put parsley in the juice first. Why ? Because this natural condiment of our dishes acts as a tonic and a blood purifier.

It is an excellent anti-inflammatory drug which improves blood circulation in the legs, if taken regularly.

What do i need?

  • A carrot
  • A pineapple slice
  • A glass of water
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • A few sprigs of parsley

How to do ?

  • To prepare it, first of all, wash all food well. Then put them in the blender with a glass of water.
  • Try to mix everything well, so that it is homogeneous. Finally, it is important that the parsley is well reduced and that you hardly notice it (although it has a strong taste).

Given the energy content of the juice and the consistency of its elements, it is good to take it with dinner. It is delicious, and you will definitely like it!

To conclude, we recommend that you take two of these juices each day. Most of them are refreshing and easy to do. They are ideal, for example, when you come home tired at night.

Take one of the fresh juices and then take a relaxing shower, which should always end with a trickle of cold water on the calves. In this way, you will promote blood circulation in the legs.

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