3 Foods Rich In Vitamin C To Fight Colds

The active ingredient in chili peppers is capsaicin, a substance that gives it this pungent characteristic. It is also made up of water, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and vitamins. As well as a significant portion of vitamin C.

Vitamin C remedies aimed at fighting colds and colds are effective and widely used by the general population. However, the research remains controversial.

Although not fully proven,  large doses of vitamin C can help reduce the duration of a cold. But they don’t prevent you from getting sick. Vitamin C may also be helpful for people exposed to short periods of intense or extreme physical activity.

Also, the effectiveness of vitamin C remedies can vary from person to person. They are therefore not always effective. Most people tolerate a daily dose of 1000 to 2000 mg well, but be aware that too much  vitamin C can cause stomach upset.

What is the function of vitamin C?

Foods rich in vitamin C to fight colds.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid,  is an essential nutrient in the body  that contributes to different organic processes such as:

  • Collagen formation.
  • Wound healing.
  • Immune function  (hence the effectiveness of remedies based on vitamin C for colds or colds).
  • Synthesis of neurotransmitters.

In addition, it is an antioxidant substance. In other words,  it has the ability to defend us against the action of free radicals. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that are missing an electron and have the ability to mate. They are therefore very responsive.

Vitamin C deficiency

When we don’t get enough vitamin C,  we can get scurvy. It is a disease characterized by:

  • A weakness.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • Sudden bleeding from the gums and skin that takes time to heal.

On the other hand, vitamin C deficiency  also affects cardiovascular health. This is because low levels are associated with worsening heart failure.

5 vitamin C remedies for colds and colds

It is not necessary to take supplements to get enough vitamin C. There are indeed  a number of fruits and vegetables that contain much more than the daily requirement recommended  by the World Health Organization of 45 mg.

Although many of us associate orange and lemon as the main sources of vitamin C, in reality they are not the richest source of ascorbic acid. The BBC Focus scientific journal published a list of  foods that contain a significant amount of vitamin C.  Among them we find:

1. Guava

Guavas in a basket.

It is one of the most effective vitamin C remedies for colds. For every 100 grams, guava provides 228 milligrams of vitamin C.

This fruit is used in many countries such as the Philippines due to its natural properties. Among which stand out:

  • Fight against constipation:  it is a fruit rich in fiber which strengthens intestinal transit and helps to solve this type of problem.
  • Rich in folic acid: vitamin B is particularly indicated for periods of gestation because it helps prevent possible malformations of the fetus.
  • Contains vitamin A and C: provitamin A is essential during growth. It is also involved in sight, nail formation and hair maintenance. Regarding vitamin C, it is essential for the processes previously explained.

2. Blackcurrant against colds

Blackcurrant provides 200 mg of vitamin C for every 100 grams. It is one of the most widely used vitamin C remedies. It is also distinguished  by its content of other vitamins such as those of group B.  Among which we can mention:

  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1).

It is also a food rich in iron. A mineral necessary for protection against immune deficiencies and fatigue during the transport of oxygen to cells.

3. Red pepper

It is a vegetable that contains 190 mg of vitamin C for every 100 grams consumed. It also provides fiber and antioxidants. Here are some other nutrients it contains:

  • Carotenoids.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Water.
  • Vitamins B6 and B9.
  • Capsaicin.

4. Chili

Red pepper and vitamin C.

The active ingredient in chilli pepper is capsaicin, a substance that gives it this pungent character. It is also made up  of water, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. It obviously includes a good portion of vitamin C.

On the other hand, it provides 144 mg for every 100 grams consumed. It also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

5. Parsley for colds

Two spoons of parsley provide:

  • 2% of daily needs in calcium, iron and folic acid.
  • 12% vitamin A.
  • More than 150% vitamin K.
  • 16% vitamin C.

It is a food that  has many benefits for the body,  apart from its action against cold snaps. For example :

  • Contributes to the prevention of kidney stones.
  • Provides relief from joint pain.
  • Fights fatigue.
  • Helps prevent and treat diabetes.

Vitamin C for the common cold: Conclusion

In addition to these 5 vitamin C remedies for cold sores,  there are more foods rich in this vitamin. We recommend that you consume them correctly to keep your immune system healthy. Finally, if you suffer from a cold or a cold, you can take advantage of their natural properties to heal yourself.

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