3 Broths To Detoxify The Liver

A healthy liver is essential to have a good quality of life. There are a multitude of elements that are harmful to your health, which is why it is highly recommended to undertake a depurative treatment from time to time.

At this time of the year, it is ideal to devote a little time to take care of your body, to have more energy and to regain a balanced weight, that’s why you need to detoxify your liver.

For this you need the intensive cooperation of your liver, an organ that must function properly if you want to have a good quality of life.

In this article, we’ll tell you how you can eliminate toxins that are harmful to your liver in an easy, economical, and natural way.

To do this, you will only have to consume delicious natural broths, which will truly surprise you.

Why do we need to detoxify the liver?

You often hear about the need to cleanse your liver of toxins, because this vital organ for our health,  eliminates all substances that are harmful to our body.

However, as the body overloads itself with toxins, the liver becomes saturated with work.

What is poisoning our liver? 

  • Foods that we don’t digest well.
  • Foods rich in bad fats.
  • Excess animal protein.
  • Food additives: preservatives, colorings, flavoring agents, etc.
  • The alcohol.
  • Tobacco, and all toxic habits.
  • Pollution.
  • Negative emotions.

As you can see, many elements are dangerous for the health of our liver, which is why we recommend that you carry out from time to time, a depurative cure which will facilitate its daily work.

The broths that we offer you are an excellent solution that you can put in place regularly.

Broths or soups?

Although, in this article, we offer you a depuration based on broths, you can also mix vegetables to prepare tasty soups, which are more nutritious and can be served as a main course.

However, broths have the advantage of being able to be drunk throughout the day, which allows for deep purification.

During a period ranging from 15 days to a month, we suggest you drink one liter of broth per day. You can choose to drink the same, or change it daily by alternating ingredients.

The most effective way to detoxify the liver is to drink these broths half an hour before each meal, on an empty stomach.

Don’t forget to season your broths and soups with a good dash of good quality olive oil, and a little sea water instead of classic table salt.

In this way, you will give flavor to your food, while enhancing its benefits.

Artichoke, apple and lemon broth

The artichoke is one of the most famous vegetables to protect the liver, which can be eaten whole or be the basis of excellent infusions.

To prepare the broth, you can use the whole vegetable, or just its leaves.

The bitter flavor of the artichoke will be neutralized by the sweetness of the apple. This fruit is also a protector of our liver function, among many other properties.

Finally, the lemon will bring its acidic touch to the broth, but also its incredible properties to digest fats, which will greatly facilitate the work of the liver.

Celery, oatmeal and ginger broth

Celery is a great purifier that improves liver and gallbladder function, but it’s also great for the kidneys.

It cannot be lacking in any depurative cure, because in addition to its beneficial properties, it brings a delicious flavor to all preparations.

The oats will give consistency to the broth, and will also provide its fibers and vegetable proteins which will help us eliminate toxic substances from the body.

In addition, this cereal is very nutritious and promotes intestinal transit, which must function optimally for the cure to be really effective.

Finally, a pinch of ginger will allow us to facilitate the digestion of fats. Q ui often complicate the work of our liver.

Cabbage, turnip and turmeric broth

All types of cabbage or cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) stimulate liver enzymes and prevent the appearance of carcinogenic cells.

Turnip, which is traditionally used in broths, also promotes fat digestion. This makes it essential for any depurative treatment to detoxify the liver.

Broth to detoxify the liver.

Finally, turmeric is a powerful anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. Which  will allow us to expel the bile, and therefore to detoxify the liver.

Add a level tablespoon (6.8 grams) for each liter of broth.

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